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    Protecting You


    This black hole was getting deeper, and there seemed to be no escape.


    Love is an interesting concept. The idea of true love has always been debated, its existence questioned even. But it’s situations like this that test how far your willing to go for a person. Before her, stood someone that was willing to sacrifice everything to be with her. And this was the reason that she had to sacrifice everything to save her.


    Though her sword was broken, she still had the shield for them both. She must defend her from the dragon’s flame.


    A nursery rhyme is supposed to help a child fall asleep. They are meant to ease the mind, and to put the child into a state of calm. But what happens when the evils of that story become your life? What does the child do when their brother is the Big Bad Wolf, or their mother the old Witch? Horrors become reality, and there is no ending to the story. She only reaches her hand out, hoping someone will grab it.


    It was too much.


    Seeing her in this state became unbearable. Things were only getting worse, and she wasn’t sure if she could count the marks with all ten fingers and toes. With all the love in her heart she wanted to save her. She wanted to make her smile again, and put them both in a world where nothing could touch them. But this was only a dream, a figment of imagination that could never be accomplished.


    She had to make a decision, and she gave her world away.


    It had to stop, so she ended it. There would be no more lacing between fingers. Kisses, glances, touches, they all disappeared. The existence of a warm embrace was never to be found. They were both broken. Now she would watch her from afar. She would watch as the wounds beneath blonde tresses would heal. Cuts would fade, and bruises would grow fainter. But these were merely exterior wounds. Her insides would always be shattered. She will look out for her, gazing from a strained distance. But the only proof of their bond will be memories and fluttering hearts, the same hearts that may no longer beat again. On the day the world ended, her beauty asked her for the reason behind it all, the reason they could no longer share the only good thing either had experienced. So she answered.


    It was to protect her. She would always protect her. Her shield would never break.


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    1. How can you think this is crappy?! Such a beautiful piece, comic! You should never think that. Your stories are always so great…and this one just adds another reason as to why I love you as a writer! Ugh, heart breaking…I could see Ashley doing that. I could see her giving up everything to protect Spencer. I think thats why this one shot hit me so hard…because I can see it happen. Loved it! And I hope your day is better tomorrow. ;)

    2. How can you think this is crappy?! Such a beautiful piece, comic! You should never think that. Your stories are always so great…and this one just adds another reason as to why I love you as a writer! Ugh, heart breaking…I could see Ashley doing that. I could see her giving up everything to protect Spencer. I think thats why this one shot hit me so hard…because I can see it happen. Loved it! And I hope your day is better tomorrow. ;)

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