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    Rant II

    Maybe it had just become so routine for Ashley and her, that she needed it, she craved for the kinky Ashley when she had a bad day, so I guess all she could do was hope, even pray, that Ashley had had a bad day, at least half as bad as Spencer’s day had gone.

    She got home to find Ashley whistling to a tune, a tune she’d heard before, especially when she was little, she couldn’t quite put her finger, or preferably ear, on it.

    She walked in and saw her wife in nothing more but an apron, she could see that ass, the ass she’d been squeezing for so long, and it she would never get tired of it. She smiled as she wrapped her arms around her wife’s waist, and smoothly towards her breasts.

    She eventually reached them and gave them a small squeeze, receiving an instantaneous moan from Ashley, god she loved those touched.

    Ashley immediately turned around and kissed Spencer on the lips, it was aggressive yet loving at the same time. Score, maybe she did have a bad day.

    Spencer lifted up her wife and placed her on the counter. She grabbed her thigh, sliding it up more and more towards Ashley’s center, eliciting more moans, and a whimper or two.

    “Spence, what about dinner” She moaned out, as Spencer traced Ashley’s lips that don’t speak.

    “What about it?” Spencer replied almost smug with her comment.

    “It’s going to burn” She quickly replied, but not doing anything to stop her girlfriend from the foreplay that was happening.

    “Let it burn” Spencer practically whispered before taking her wife’s lips in between her own.

    “Oh god” Ashley felt a finger slip in.

    “At least turn off the oven” Ashley whispered as she wife took out her finger and walked over to the oven to turn it off. And with that Ashley let out a groan.

    “What? You didn’t expect me to keep that in you when I have to walk all the way over here” Spencer said as she walked even slower to the oven.

    “At least hurry the hell up” Ashley practically begged.

    “Okay god” As she turned the oven off, she could still see red through the oven door, she opened it and apparently Ashley had been right.

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