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    Rant II

    Ashley immediately got up and reached under the kitchen sink and pulled out a fire extinguisher.

    And just like that the oven was full of a white, foam like substance.

    And with that Ashley put the fire extinguisher on the counter and started walking upstairs.

    “Where are you going?” Spencer yelled at the stairs.

    “I got to put some clothes on” Ashley yelled back downstairs.

    “Why?” Spencer practically whined.

    “Because now we have to go out to eat” Ashley yelled back downstairs.

    Crap. Just when Spencer thought her day couldn’t get any worse.

    “You know I’m not mad at you” Ashley said as she was cutting her steak.

    “I know” Spencer said almost defeated.

    The truth was, Spencer was sad, but for a different reason, see, on the way over to the restaurant, she had asked her wife is she had had a good day, and to her much dislike, she did not.

    Of course she felt terrible that she wanted her wife to have a bad day, she tried to seem happy, but she couldn’t, so she just blamed the sadness on the fact that she burned their chicken.

    “I love you” Ashley said, trying to get that stupid frown off her wife’s face, it was really starting to annoy her.

    “Me too” Spencer half heartedly smiled.

    “Then why is that stupid frown on your face” Ashley had lost it for a second their, before lowering her voice.

    “Sorry” She whispered as she ate.

    That’s when Spencer had the idea, that great idea that would help her, help her craving get the attention it needed.

    “It’s just that” She started before taking a deep breathe, she did need to convince the girl that could read her like an open book.

    “Well my mom called me today” She said as she continued picking at the food on her plate.

    Ashley head immediately shot up, there were no words to explain the hatred she had for that women. Sure she had accepted them after they had gotten married, but before that, she had made their life a living hell, so no matter what, Spencer’s mom had a spot in her heart that only one other women had had, her mother.

    “And” Ashley cold heartedly said, as she too picked at her food.

    “Well apparently, she had found a nice boy in Cancun for me to meet” Spencer said as she lightly chuckled.

    “So she’s still in Cancun with Ben” Ashley stated as she signaled for the waiter to get her the check.

    “Yes” Spencer replied quickly, a little bit too quickly.

    “And how long is she going to be away” Ashley asked as she handed the waiter her credit card.

    “Like 3 more days” Spencer replied once again too quickly.

    “You still have the keys she gave you, you know, to check on the house” Ashley asked as she signed the receipt.

    “Yeah, they’re in the car” Spencer said, as she pointed towards the parking lot, as if Ashley didn’t know where the car was.

    “Let’s go” Ashley said getting up and grabbing her purse.

    “Where are we going?” Spencer asked as if she didn’t already know the answer, and followed the brunette.

    “We’re going to check up on your mom’s house” She said as she smiled brightly. She then leaned in to whisper into Spencer’s ear.

    “And, we’re going to make love on her bed” Ashley whispered the last part out as she licked my ear lobe. She walked out, and Spencer just stood their shocked, well half shocked, she saw this coming, and she ironically she could already imagine herself coming.

    “Hey, are you coming?’ Ashley asked as she was already opening the door to head out.

    “In more ways than one” Spencer mumbled to myself as she followed Ashley towards the door.

    “Just give me a minute” The blonde said as she just smiled at me and left.

    She raised her hands above her head and mouthed to herself ‘score’ before walking out the door and following Ashley to their car.

    Oh, tonight was going to be better than any toy they could use, oh tonight they were going to have some fun.

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