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    Ashley really needs to get her shit together, I love you Spencer, so now I’m going to sleep with Aiden, makes a lot of sense Ash. He warned her and everything, he was like move, but no, ah, I seriously want to just like kill Ashley, god, Spencer deserves someone better, and Ashley needs to step up and be better, not condone that and shit.

    You know what, I’m going to make a part 2 to this jsut so i can rant some more, because I know I’m forgetting somethings and shit, and i just can’t remember but i will, so get ready for part two, maybe a different one-shot, or a continuation of this one, not sure yet, but be ready, lol.

    So stay tuned and such, R&R, p3c3

    Spashley 4 ever…

    “She gave me the Parks Project” Ashley let out a big sigh. She hated that project, well mostly she hated who she was supposed to defend.

    See the guy she had to defend was a murderer, and he killed two teen girls for being, you guessed it, gay. How could she bring herself to do that, of course she couldn’t lose the case on purpose, so she still had to defend the jerk.

    See Ashley is a lawyer, one of the very best actually, she was undefeated, well except for that one case that she didn’t win, but she really didn’t lose. See her defendant settled like during the case was being heard, so in her mind she practically wasted her time.

    But she didn’t see it as a lost, she saw it as a stupid move by the guy she was defending, she was sure she could’ve won, but the guy wasn’t so sure, so he settled, went to jail, with only two counts of armed robbery. Of course it was before Ashley was named one of the best lawyers in New York.

    If he had known, he would’ve definitely not settled, because she actually could’ve won the case. He even said it to her face when she went to see him once. She went to rub it in his face, and he said he was sorry, it was actually quite hard to rub it in the guy’s face.

    It’s actually very weird how Ashley got into the job, she was actually offered a record deal, big, actually humungous would be the right word. And everything would’ve been perfect if it hadn’t involved a tour. Sure, all artists go on tour, they do have to promote their stuff, but well Ashley had asked Spencer to marry her just months earlier.

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    1. the premier was awesome! i was kinda mad at ashley but, kinda sad for her at the same time. it made me sad because, she was lonely but, mad at the same time cause she keeps calling spencer and tell her that she loved her and only her and STILL sleeping with aiden. WTF? anyways! this was a great one shot .. but i think you should finish it too! it was awesome! PMS!

    2. the premier was awesome! i was kinda mad at ashley but, kinda sad for her at the same time. it made me sad because, she was lonely but, mad at the same time cause she keeps calling spencer and tell her that she loved her and only her and STILL sleeping with aiden. WTF? anyways! this was a great one shot .. but i think you should finish it too! it was awesome! PMS!

    3. i loved the premier as well, i want to be pissed at ashley and sort of am but i get her thinking and they aren’t together so it wasn’t like cheating but still totally wrong. you should finish this one shot, it was good.

    4. i loved the premier as well, i want to be pissed at ashley and sort of am but i get her thinking and they aren’t together so it wasn’t like cheating but still totally wrong. you should finish this one shot, it was good.

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