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    And even though Spencer told Ashley to go on tour, that she would wait, Ashley surprised the crying Carlin, by showing up at their apartment with all her luggage, saying she missed her flight, of course Spencer immediately jumped Ashley and had her way with her.

    They moved the date up, and they got married, and here they were, both girls, still in love, even more so then they were in high school. Ashley, the 28 year old lawyer of the year, and Spencer Carlin, the 27 year old high school teacher.

    She would be teacher of the year, if not for the controversy with a female student, who you could say was obsessed with Spencer. Everyone thought they had a relationship outside of school, which of course was to true at all, even Ashley didn’t recognize it, she knew Spencer, and she would know if Spencer was cheating on her, especially with a 17 year old girl.

    But Spencer couldn’t help it, she was hot, usually women start to decline in their late 20’s, but not her, no, she was at her peak, and she seemed to keep going up.

    She let Ashley rant on and on about her job, and how much she hated it. She decided to become a lawyer thanks to the help of her mother actually. Her mother was trying to sue her for some of her inheritance money. Ashley wasn’t going to take that, so she started helping her lawyer with her case, and well she had quite a knack for the law. That, and she loved arguing with people, which definitely helped her with her decision.

    So as Ashley ranted, well, not really ranted, more like, discussed violently, or something like that. Spencer washed the dishes, it was almost too predictable actually.

    Ashley would come home from work, Spencer would have dinner ready at that time and they would sit and Ashley would always ask Spencer first, how was your day. Of course Spencer kept her answers short and sweet, because if not they would not have their fun at night, because when Ashley started talking on her day’s events, she intended on finishing.

    So Spencer would ask Ashley about her day, and listen to her talk and talk, but listening to everything coming out of the brunette’s mouth, so she could be ready if any questions were asked, even rhetorical ones.

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    1. the premier was awesome! i was kinda mad at ashley but, kinda sad for her at the same time. it made me sad because, she was lonely but, mad at the same time cause she keeps calling spencer and tell her that she loved her and only her and STILL sleeping with aiden. WTF? anyways! this was a great one shot .. but i think you should finish it too! it was awesome! PMS!

    2. the premier was awesome! i was kinda mad at ashley but, kinda sad for her at the same time. it made me sad because, she was lonely but, mad at the same time cause she keeps calling spencer and tell her that she loved her and only her and STILL sleeping with aiden. WTF? anyways! this was a great one shot .. but i think you should finish it too! it was awesome! PMS!

    3. i loved the premier as well, i want to be pissed at ashley and sort of am but i get her thinking and they aren’t together so it wasn’t like cheating but still totally wrong. you should finish this one shot, it was good.

    4. i loved the premier as well, i want to be pissed at ashley and sort of am but i get her thinking and they aren’t together so it wasn’t like cheating but still totally wrong. you should finish this one shot, it was good.

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