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    Don’t get Spencer wrong now, she loved hearing Ashley talk, it was always soothing, no matter how bad the day was for Ashley, or no matter how mad Ashley was, she spoke in that calm soothing voice, that always relaxed Spencer.

    And ironically the reason Ashley spoke in such a calm voice was because of Spencer, seeing Spencer at the end of the day, would just make her calm down, take a deep breath, and just talk about her day calmly.

    As Spencer washed the dishes, she knew what was going to happen later. She was imagining it as Ashley spoke. Yes, she could have her mind on something else, but still register everything her wife was saying.

    By the story she could tell that Ashley had a real bad day, and she was ready to vent out some of that anger tonight, maybe even take out a toy tonight.

    See when Ashley had a real bad day, at night when they made love, she would be a little extra aggressive, and dominant, which Spencer couldn’t help but love. She lived for those days where Ashley just couldn’t take it. Ashley would take out the strap on and make love to Spencer, so rough, leaving marks, everywhere, she would have her way with her on the floor, on the couch, bathroom, even against the wall.

    Spencer just waited for Ashley to finish her story so they could head upstairs and they could get down to business. They both still had the sexual appetite of 16 year old boys, and it didn’t seem as it would ever be pleased. And they were glad they were still like that, it made their love life so much better, and it made it more exciting.

    They did try role-playing a couple of times, even some sort of bondage, but it didn’t matter, no matter what, they would never get tired of each other. Nothing was as exciting as Ashley taking complete control, and Spencer playing the innocent, vulnerable one.

    Both of them wouldn’t have it any other way. Ashley finally stopped talking and just wrapped her arms around Spencer’s waist.

    “Thanks for listening baby, you’re the best” She whispered into the girl’s ear, causing her to shake a little.

    “No problem” Spencer said, as if it were nothing new, which it wasn’t.

    “I’m going to bed, see you upstairs honey” Ashley walked away and up the stairs. Spencer looked at Ashley as she walked up the stairs. That was weird, Ashley never just went to bed.

    Even when she did say that, she would usually look back and smile seductively at the girl, letting her know that they were going to get freaky.

    Spencer then heard footsteps above her, Ashley was in the guest room, which is where they kept the toys, she knew Ashley couldn’t go a day without them making love. Oh Ashley thought she was slick, but Spencer was slicker.

    Spencer finished the dishes and headed upstairs too. She went to the bathroom and took of her pants and her blouse. She removed her bra and panties and threw them in the hamper.

    She put her blouse back on along with the pants. ‘Easier access’ she thought to herself. She smiled as she walked into her bedroom. She opened the door and looked inside, and it seemed as if it was empty, except the television screen on.

    She walked inside and immediately the door was closed behind her and she was shoved onto the bed. Her hair was pulled back, as she saw Ashley smile and whisper into her ear.

    “You didn’t really think you were going to get off that easy, did you?” She made sure to lick Spencer’s ear lobe as this was said. Spencer just bit her lip. Ashley grabbed Spencer’s ass as she reached the top of them.

    “No panties huh” Ashley said as she pulled down Spencer’s pants and slapped her ass once with her hand and the second with the strap on she had.

    “Oh tonight you’re going to get it”

    Oh, tonight she was going to get it, and she was going to love it.

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    1. the premier was awesome! i was kinda mad at ashley but, kinda sad for her at the same time. it made me sad because, she was lonely but, mad at the same time cause she keeps calling spencer and tell her that she loved her and only her and STILL sleeping with aiden. WTF? anyways! this was a great one shot .. but i think you should finish it too! it was awesome! PMS!

    2. the premier was awesome! i was kinda mad at ashley but, kinda sad for her at the same time. it made me sad because, she was lonely but, mad at the same time cause she keeps calling spencer and tell her that she loved her and only her and STILL sleeping with aiden. WTF? anyways! this was a great one shot .. but i think you should finish it too! it was awesome! PMS!

    3. i loved the premier as well, i want to be pissed at ashley and sort of am but i get her thinking and they aren’t together so it wasn’t like cheating but still totally wrong. you should finish this one shot, it was good.

    4. i loved the premier as well, i want to be pissed at ashley and sort of am but i get her thinking and they aren’t together so it wasn’t like cheating but still totally wrong. you should finish this one shot, it was good.

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