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    "Thought I come early." With that Spencer pushed Ashley into the house and kissed her with some force.

    Ashley was pushed up against the wall stunned at the sudden force Spencer had just shown.Her mind was completely lost for a moment before she returned the kiss just as hard. Her hands found the small of Spencer’s back pulling her closer. As she did, Spencer’s knee found its place between her legs bringing a moan from the brunnete’s mouth.

    Spencer broke the kiss from Ashley’s lips and moved to her neck. She sucked on the pulse point nipping every now and then to get the other girl to whimper.

    "Spence, oh God Spencer…bed….bedroom pl…please." Ashley managed to get ou tefore another moan escaped her mouth.

    The blonde pulled away and grinned, "What the idea of me taking you right here against a wall doesn’t turn you on?"

    Ashley closed her eyes at the thought and her breathing picked up a bit. "Oh it does trust me, but I want the bed so that I can fuck you so hard that you can’t walk or move for a while.." She smiled at her blonde lover, who was momentarily shocke by what she said.

    Then a grin spread acrossed Spencer’s face "We’ll see Ms. Davies." Spencer crushed her lips against Ashley’s once more. She pulled the brunette into her arms and held her for a few moments before pulling away and walking up the stairs leading Ashley to the bedroom.

    As soon as they got into Ashley’s room and closed the door, Ashley had Spencer in her arms and was backing up until the blondes legs found the edge of the bed.

    "Ash..what..are…" Spencer tried to get out but was cut off by Ashley’s mouth.

    Ashley pulled away, "You had your fun downstairs, it’s my turn and I’m going to make sure you don’t forget it." With the last words, Ashley pushed Spencer onto the bed and watched as her face turned from shock to lust and want. Ashley crawled up the bed and over Spencer’s body as she looked down at the girl beneath her. She smiled at the sight and her eyes traveled down her body again. She stared ath the blondes lips, her neck, slowly moving down her chest stopping when she couldn’t see what lay under the shirt.


    1. I AGREE WITH natashley, that was HOTT!!!!! You do write really well and I hope that we will see more of this kind of work in the future. PMS and I like it when Ashley and Spencer talk to each other sexually, LOL!!!!!

    2. That was really hot. I loved Ashley and Spencer! PMS You should write a fic for the motel scene;) What happened before Spencer and Ashley took a shower;)

    3. I AGREE WITH natashley, that was HOTT!!!!! You do write really well and I hope that we will see more of this kind of work in the future. PMS and I like it when Ashley and Spencer talk to each other sexually, LOL!!!!!

    4. That was really hot. I loved Ashley and Spencer! PMS You should write a fic for the motel scene;) What happened before Spencer and Ashley took a shower;)

    5. *clears throat* yep that was…g-great! And if I could think coherent thoughts I would respond better but right now I hear the calling of a cold shower, excuse me. ;)

    6. *clears throat* yep that was…g-great! And if I could think coherent thoughts I would respond better but right now I hear the calling of a cold shower, excuse me. ;)

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