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    Ashley let out a guttered moan not letting go of Spencer’s body. "Oh God Spencer, don’t stop…uhhh." Ashley’s sentece was cut short as she felt Spencer’s tongue flicking over her harden nipple.

    Spencer realease Ashley’s breast and slid her body ferther down. She kissed below Ashley’s belly button and started to the trail along her thighs. She slowly climbed her way up the inside of the brunette’s leg. She could hear Ashley’s incorherent moaning and her name being said. Spencer blew her hot breath onto Ashley’s clit.

    "Spencer oh please….please do it." Ashley thrusted her hips against Spencer’s fingers harder. Her hands moved up to the blonde’s head.

    The blonde moved her mouth closer to Ashley’s clit as she flicked her tongue softly across the bundle of nerves feeling the brunette’s hip jolt. Spencer pulled away a couple of inches and looke dup over Ashley’s body to her face. "Ashley look at me." Spencer spoke in a low husky whisper.

    Ashley opened her eyes and slowly moved herself to semi sitting, using her elbows for support. She stared down at the beautiful blonde who was just resting there between her legs. The look on her face made the brunette moan with delight.

    "I want you to watch me. I want you to stare at me." Spencer said softly kissing her abdomen. "Can you do that baby?" She ran her tongue down Ashley’s hip, as the girl nodded quickly. Spencer smiled and bent her head back down between Ashley’s legs. She kissed the brunette’s clit, pulling it into her mouth as her fingers started up the same motion her tongue was doing aganist the nerves. Spencer’s tongue could taste Ashley, moaning and pushing her tongue harder against her clit.

    Ashley’s eyes burned into Spencer’s as she felt herself tipping over the edge. Spencer’s tongue was now pushing deep inside her and it was bring her so much closer to her high. "Spencer please I’m so close…"

    Spenecer listened to Ashley’s cry for help and release and returned her fingers curling them inside her as her mouth sucked hard on her lover’s clit, finally bringing Ashley over the edge.

    "OH MY GOD…SSSPENNNCCERRRR!!!" Ashley’s orgasm rocked over her lifting her body off the bed and Spencer as she tasted the flood of wetness.

    After licking up every drop, she sat up and straddled Ashley’s waist, staring down at the brunette, who fell back down onto the pillows. Spencer slid off of Ashley, crawling up to the exhausted girl. "Ash? Ash, are you okay?" Spencer asked the brunette who’s eyes were tightly shut and her brathing was ragged.

    Ashley stirred hearing the worry in her lover’s voice. She opened her eyes partly and looked up into Spencer’s concerned face. "Yeah, sweatheart, I’m okay. I feel amazing and tired. Who knew you had it in you and you learned extremely fast." Ashley wrapped her arms around Spencer’s waist and held the girl’s body close to hers.

    Spencer laid in Ashley’s arms without a care in the world. As she looke dover the brunette she could still see her body glistening from the light coating of sweat. Not wanting either one of them catching a cold, Spencer brought up a blanket and covered the both of them up.

    "I had a wonderful teacher and you’re not the only on e who teases to please." Spencer replied aftre settling bac down into Ashley’s arms.

    "Oh so that good Christain school girl is an act? Damn and I thought I could see you in an outfit…" Ashley laughed as Spencer lightly nugged her shoulder. Then looking next to her she whipser into Spencer’s ear. "Rebelde." And kissed her forehead.

    "Rebelde?" Spencer asked with question.

    "Rebelious or Rebel." Ashley smiled at the look and smile spencer gave her.

    "Well maybe tomorrow night I’ll bring over that outfit for you. But right now I’m really tired." Spencer said followed by a yawn.

    Ashley nodded her head "Good cause I want to see that." She pulled Spencer closer to her, entwining her legs in the blonde’s and fell asleep quickly.

    Spencer laid awkaw playing with Ashley’s ahir then looking at the sleeping face. "I love you Ashley Davies." She whipsered in teh brunette’s ear.

    "I love you too Spencer Carlin." Was all that Ashley replied As Spencer too, drifted off to sleep.


    1. I AGREE WITH natashley, that was HOTT!!!!! You do write really well and I hope that we will see more of this kind of work in the future. PMS and I like it when Ashley and Spencer talk to each other sexually, LOL!!!!!

    2. That was really hot. I loved Ashley and Spencer! PMS You should write a fic for the motel scene;) What happened before Spencer and Ashley took a shower;)

    3. I AGREE WITH natashley, that was HOTT!!!!! You do write really well and I hope that we will see more of this kind of work in the future. PMS and I like it when Ashley and Spencer talk to each other sexually, LOL!!!!!

    4. That was really hot. I loved Ashley and Spencer! PMS You should write a fic for the motel scene;) What happened before Spencer and Ashley took a shower;)

    5. *clears throat* yep that was…g-great! And if I could think coherent thoughts I would respond better but right now I hear the calling of a cold shower, excuse me. ;)

    6. *clears throat* yep that was…g-great! And if I could think coherent thoughts I would respond better but right now I hear the calling of a cold shower, excuse me. ;)

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