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    Reflections – (Chapter: 1 & 2-Wedding Plans)


    “So have you thought about dresses or suits or what?” Spencer took another sip of her coffee.


    “I haven’t really thought about it. All I know is that I want to marry her.”


    Spencer’s expression changed. Every time I mentioned the word “married” she seemed to grow distant.


    “Hey, are you okay?”


    “Huh? Oh, yeah I’m fine. I was just thinking.” Her eyes shifted back down.




    “Just some stuff. Nothing big.” Spencer looked at her watch, “Wow, I have to go. I have to be at work in fifteen minutes.” She stood up, “Call me later if you want to talk.”


    “O-kay.” I watched her leave.


    The truth was, there was something wrong. Something that I could never tell Ashley. When she met Rachel her senior year of high school I was upset. Before that moment it seemed like I had always been hers. When the moment came that Ashley found someone else after we had been together I grew a little protective. She never actually caught on to that. I’ve had numerous relationships, but none of them compared to the one that she and I shared. It was one of the ones that you can only dream about. The ones where the both of you care about one another more than anything else. That was how we were.


    Sometimes I looked back on it and think that it was only one of those “made for the movies” kind of loves. She never approved of any of my relationships that I had after we broke up. I knew that she would never. It was something between us. It existed no matter how much the either of us tried to deny it. And I was the main one to deny it. I mean, who finds the love of their life at the age of 14?


    But the truth was, I hurt Ashley. I never meant to but I allowed myself to. I used her to get information about the other people that I liked and I used her to get whatever I wanted. I realized about a year or two later that I had caused her a great deal of pain. She still stood beside me even though I hurt her beyond anything else. She was the one girl in my life that saw past everything. She saw me for me, and she loved me. I loved her. I did. I never told her how much. After we broke up I took it upon myself to avoid it all. I even avoided her. But fate had many other plans. Now after ten years she was my best friend. No relationship that I had ever compared to ours. Ashley once told me that that’s why they tell you to hold on to true love when you find it. Because there are hundreds of different loves, but that one true one goes beyond all others.

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