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    Reflections – (Chapter: 1 & 2-Wedding Plans)


    And ours was that love. Every time we got into a fight or we had a problem with something not concerning the other one, we were there beside each other. Sometimes I look in the mirror and ask myself why I would ever let a girl like her go. When she met Rachel I could help but become jealous. I had always been hers since the moment that we met. Then this girl comes along and I couldn’t help but feel like I lost her. After they broke up the first time I thought things would go back to normal. But they only got worse. I went back to the one person that I knew would hurt her if she found out. And she was torn beyond everything when she found out.


    Now, I’m 24 years old and I can’t help but feel I’m losing her again. But I don’t think that I will ever be able to be with her. I’m scared that if I would hurt her again that it would all fall apart. Then my whole world wouldn’t matter. I can’t lose my best friend. Every moment that she talks about getting married it’s like a knife to my heart.


    Chapter 2




    “Hey I just wanted to know what was up with you today. You seemed a little weird.”


    I took a deep breath, “Nothing was up Ash. I was just thinking about a lot of things.”


    “So everything’s okay?”


    “Yes, everything is fine.”




    I knew this game. We’d played it since the moment that we met, “Promise.” I took another deep breath, “But, I’ve gotta go.”


    “Okay. I guess I’ll talk to you later then.” Ashley sounded upset.


    “Yeah. I’ll call you tomorrow. Bye.”




    There was something wrong with Spencer. That was for sure. I just didn’t understand. Ever since I told her about wanting to propose to Rachel there seemed to be a rift between us. She was the greatest love of my life. But she and I could never be together. There is too much in our past that would interfere with the present. We just worked better as friends. It took me a long time to convince myself of that.

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