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    Reflections – (Chapter: 3-Q&A)

    ~ ~~~~~~~~~

    “I’ll be there Aiden. I just lost track of time. Give me ten minutes and I’ll be there. Okay see you in a few.”

    I hung up the phone. Aiden wanted to have coffee today. Why so soon after I proposed I didn’t know. He sounded like it was urgent. So I didn’t turn down the offer. I figured that maybe he wanted to give me congratulations on his own time rather than with a large group. He liked Rachel and he had always supported our relationship. So there’s no way that it could be anything awful.

    I walked in to the café and he was sitting at a far table. I went and took a seat across from him. He looked worried or concerned, “So, what’s up?”

    “Um…well I wanted to talk to you about something but I’m kinda waiting on someone else to get here too.”

    “Okay, who are we waiting for?”

    I hear a voice from behind me, “Sorry I’m late.”

    It was Madison, another one of our friends, “Madison? Wow, I haven’t seen you in awhile.”

    “Yeah well, Aiden called me and told me that you proposed to Rachel and we both agreed that we needed to talk to you about something.”


    Aiden took a deep breath, “Are you sure that Rachel’s what you want?”

    I was confused, “Uh, yeah. Otherwise would I have proposed to her?”

    “It’s just last night, Spencer was downing glass after glass of wine. She’s upset Ash.”

    “I knew something was up but she wouldn’t tell me anything.”

    “That’s because the thing that’s wrong is you.” Madison blurted in.

    “What? How?”

    “When we were in high school you were in love with her. Not to mention the year after you graduated. We just want to make sure that you’re hearts in the right place and not taking the easy way out.”

    I looked at them both, “All right, here it goes. Yes I was in love with Spencer. But after ten years I have to do what’s right. Not what I was stuck on for a long time.”

    “She’s in love with you Ash.”

    “Spencer’s in love with me Aiden? Are you crazy? The day Spencer’s in love with me is the day that the world would end.”


    1. just read all your posts and it’s simply amazing!! the story does hit a lil too close to home but in a very different way too. anyway really love the story and cant wait for all the drama to begin. can ash count on spence this time or is she gonna be hurt again? will spence be sure enough? poor rachel tho waiting 10 years for nothing. pms soon!!

    2. just read all your posts and it’s simply amazing!! the story does hit a lil too close to home but in a very different way too. anyway really love the story and cant wait for all the drama to begin. can ash count on spence this time or is she gonna be hurt again? will spence be sure enough? poor rachel tho waiting 10 years for nothing. pms soon!!

    3. i really do love this story – it rings really true as well (probably due to the fact that it’s based on true events :) !) anyways, it’s really real if that makes sense. Glad you’re doing ok, being single is always fun for a while! Update at your leisure ;)

    4. i really do love this story – it rings really true as well (probably due to the fact that it’s based on true events :) !) anyways, it’s really real if that makes sense. Glad you’re doing ok, being single is always fun for a while! Update at your leisure ;)

    5. Damn i feel sorry for ashley. Being torn between 2 women. It must be really hard on ashely. Hopefully it wont be to bad for her when she breaks it off with Rachel. I love your story. I`m excited to see what happens next. PMS

    6. Damn i feel sorry for ashley. Being torn between 2 women. It must be really hard on ashely. Hopefully it wont be to bad for her when she breaks it off with Rachel. I love your story. I`m excited to see what happens next. PMS

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