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    Reflections – (Chapter: 3-Q&A)

    “Just talk to her. Talk about everything. Things that happened in high school and all that’s in between. Just, make sure that Rachel’s what you want because if not it’s better to tell her sooner rather than later.”

    I sat there for numerous minutes staring into oblivion. What if what they said was true? What if Spencer really truly was in love with me? Had I been blind all this time? If she was then why didn’t she say anything to me? Why did it take her ten years to figure out that our relationship was the real thing?

    I stood up from the table and grabbed my things, “I-I have to go.”

    I walked out of the café and decided to go to Spencer’s apartment. I looked at my watch, it was only 10 a.m. which meant that if Spencer had drank as much as Aiden said she’d probably still be in bed suffering the after effects. If I wanted to get real answers then this would be the best time because she wouldn’t take time to figure out the right thing to say. She would tell the truth. It was something that I really needed to do.

    I knocked on her apartment door. But nobody answered. I pulled out my cell phone, dialing in the numbers. Nobody picked up. I decided to take my last resort, trying the door to see if it was locked. I turned the knob and the door opened. The drunk ass didn’t even lock the door. I looked around her apartment, nothing was in disarray. I walked to her bedroom and opened the door. I noticed her underneath the comforter. She was a mess. Her hair was all over the place.

    I walked over to the bed and nudged the body underneath the blankets. She moved but didn’t make a sound. I nudged her again. This time she threw the covers back and smacked at my hand. Finally I walked over to the blind and opened it to allow sunshine to break through. She grabbed the comforter and pulled it back up over her head to shield from the light. I was finally tired of trying the nice ways. So, I grabbed the end of the comforter and pulled it off the bed and into the floor. She was getting pissed.


    1. just read all your posts and it’s simply amazing!! the story does hit a lil too close to home but in a very different way too. anyway really love the story and cant wait for all the drama to begin. can ash count on spence this time or is she gonna be hurt again? will spence be sure enough? poor rachel tho waiting 10 years for nothing. pms soon!!

    2. just read all your posts and it’s simply amazing!! the story does hit a lil too close to home but in a very different way too. anyway really love the story and cant wait for all the drama to begin. can ash count on spence this time or is she gonna be hurt again? will spence be sure enough? poor rachel tho waiting 10 years for nothing. pms soon!!

    3. i really do love this story – it rings really true as well (probably due to the fact that it’s based on true events :) !) anyways, it’s really real if that makes sense. Glad you’re doing ok, being single is always fun for a while! Update at your leisure ;)

    4. i really do love this story – it rings really true as well (probably due to the fact that it’s based on true events :) !) anyways, it’s really real if that makes sense. Glad you’re doing ok, being single is always fun for a while! Update at your leisure ;)

    5. Damn i feel sorry for ashley. Being torn between 2 women. It must be really hard on ashely. Hopefully it wont be to bad for her when she breaks it off with Rachel. I love your story. I`m excited to see what happens next. PMS

    6. Damn i feel sorry for ashley. Being torn between 2 women. It must be really hard on ashely. Hopefully it wont be to bad for her when she breaks it off with Rachel. I love your story. I`m excited to see what happens next. PMS

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