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    Reflections – (Chapter: 3-Q&A)

    “Damn it! What the fuck do you want?!”

    “I want you to get up, get a shower, put on some clean clothes and come out here and give me an explanation.”

    “An explanation for what?” she peered through her half-closed eyes.

    “Uh, let me think, getting drunk at dinner last night!”

    “It was nothing. I was just having a bad night.”

    I walked over to the side of the bed and laid beside her, propping myself up on one of the pillows, “Why?” I ran my hand through her messy hair.

    “Lots of reasons.”

    “Okay. What are some of those reasons?”

    “I don’t want to talk about it. Now can I go back to sleep Ash?”

    “No you cannot go back to sleep until I get honest answers out of you.” I cupped the side of her face with my left hand, “Please just tell me.”

    Her eyes opened all the way and she slightly teared up, “I can’t Ash. I just can’t.”

    “I figured you might say that.” I took in a deep breath, “I had coffee with Aiden and Madison this morning.”

    “Oh, that’s nice.” She closed her eyes.

    “They asked me something. But I cannot answer their question until I know how you feel.”

    “What’d they want to know?”

    “I will tell you that when you answer my questions first.” I heard her grumble just a little, “Now, why did you get shit-faced last night?”

    “Because I hated being there. I hated seeing you getting down on one knee.”


    “I don’t know. That’s just it, I’m trying to make sense of it all but I can’t.”

    “And all those times that I said the word ‘Married’?”

    “Hated it.” She started crying.

    I wiped away the fresh tears with my hand, “Shh…breathe, its okay.”

    “It’s not okay. It’ll never be okay.” Tears were still freely flowing.

    “I’m going to ask you this very bluntly and I want an honest answer. Promise?”


    “Are you in love with me?”

    More tears flooded her eyes, “Is that what this is? Is that why I’m in so much pain? Is that what I’ve tried for so long to deny? What I’ve tried so long to be blind to?”

    “Honey, you’re answering a question with numerous questions.”


    1. just read all your posts and it’s simply amazing!! the story does hit a lil too close to home but in a very different way too. anyway really love the story and cant wait for all the drama to begin. can ash count on spence this time or is she gonna be hurt again? will spence be sure enough? poor rachel tho waiting 10 years for nothing. pms soon!!

    2. just read all your posts and it’s simply amazing!! the story does hit a lil too close to home but in a very different way too. anyway really love the story and cant wait for all the drama to begin. can ash count on spence this time or is she gonna be hurt again? will spence be sure enough? poor rachel tho waiting 10 years for nothing. pms soon!!

    3. i really do love this story – it rings really true as well (probably due to the fact that it’s based on true events :) !) anyways, it’s really real if that makes sense. Glad you’re doing ok, being single is always fun for a while! Update at your leisure ;)

    4. i really do love this story – it rings really true as well (probably due to the fact that it’s based on true events :) !) anyways, it’s really real if that makes sense. Glad you’re doing ok, being single is always fun for a while! Update at your leisure ;)

    5. Damn i feel sorry for ashley. Being torn between 2 women. It must be really hard on ashely. Hopefully it wont be to bad for her when she breaks it off with Rachel. I love your story. I`m excited to see what happens next. PMS

    6. Damn i feel sorry for ashley. Being torn between 2 women. It must be really hard on ashely. Hopefully it wont be to bad for her when she breaks it off with Rachel. I love your story. I`m excited to see what happens next. PMS

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