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    Reflections – (Chapter: 4-This)


    Now she was going home to her fiancé. She was going home to a woman that she didn’t love and leaving the one that she did. It didn’t seem fair. But I guess this is where I should stand after all the things that I’ve done. The one thing that made me angry was the fact that she wasn’t going to tell her anytime soon.  I was the other woman. I was the mistress.


    A single tear trickled down my face as I stood up from the floor. All I wished was that she’d believe me when I told her that I wanted her, that I loved her. But you can only cry wolf so many times until finally nobody will be there when you actually mean it. I walked to my laptop and sat down. I needed something to take my mind off of her. But somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that nothing would. I went to my pictures and looked at the various ones that we had taken together over the years. We always looked so happy in them. We could never seem to be serious. I didn’t notice it until I thought about it, but I was smiling.



    As I walked into my apartment Rachel was sitting on the couch. The moment that I saw her I couldn’t help but realize how different from Spencer she was. Rachel was cute, I couldn’t deny that. She had short brown hair and hazel eyes. She was the same height as me and she seemed to never gain a pound when she ate. Any guy would tell you that she was definitely a catch.


    When I met her she was just a confused little 12 year old that was having problems with her boyfriend. When she met me her world flipped upside down. Next thing I knew she was breaking up with her boyfriend of a year and trying to lay the moves on me. Anyone who knows Ashley Davies knows that I don’t allow anyone to lay the moves on me, I’m always the one laying the moves on them. But I obviously wasn’t exactly worried about the fact that she was five years younger than me at the time.


    1. It’s so funny. I’m sitting here reading shouting at the screen. Tell her tell her @ Ashley whenever she’s with Rachel. And then at Spencer, I’m like do something big. Make her sure about you…This is want you want… Love how your story is making me feel so many emotions… will be waiting for the next … :)

    2. It’s so funny. I’m sitting here reading shouting at the screen. Tell her tell her @ Ashley whenever she’s with Rachel. And then at Spencer, I’m like do something big. Make her sure about you…This is want you want… Love how your story is making me feel so many emotions… will be waiting for the next … :)

    3. ahh, I can breathe a nice fat sigh of releif – I thought you’d forgotten about us avid little fans who are completely and utterly engrossed by your story. It’s so damn emotional and easy to relate to and you write really really well. I’ve always wondered how to make french toast and now you’ve answered that for me, I’m going to try it this afternoon seeing as I have nothing else to do! I’ll be lurking for the next post :)

    4. ahh, I can breathe a nice fat sigh of releif – I thought you’d forgotten about us avid little fans who are completely and utterly engrossed by your story. It’s so damn emotional and easy to relate to and you write really really well. I’ve always wondered how to make french toast and now you’ve answered that for me, I’m going to try it this afternoon seeing as I have nothing else to do! I’ll be lurking for the next post :)

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