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    Reflections – (Chapter: 4-This)


    I got in my utensil drawer and pulled out a fork, mixing the ingredients, “Done.”


    “Now put a skillet on the stove and melt some butter in it so that the toast wont stick to it.”


    I did just at she said, “Now what?”


    “Now get your bread and dunk each side in the milk, egg, vanilla, cinnamon combination.”


    I laughed, “You’re really tired aren’t you?”


    “Just a little. Now, dunk away. But be sure not to go too crazy because if the bread gets too soaked it’ll fall apart and wont be any good.”


    I was careful, dunking each side of the bread in until it was just wet enough, “Now do I just put it in the skillet?”


    “Yep. Wait for it to get nice and golden brown on one side and then flip it over.”


    “That was really simple.” I marveled at how stupid I now felt.


    “I always told you that it was but you never believed me.”


    “I’ll take your word for it next time.” I dunked my next piece in the bowl and then put it in the skillet next to the first piece.


    “Can I go back to bed now?”


    “Um, I guess so. Unless there’s something you want to talk about.”


    “Is there something that you want to talk about?”


    “Uh…um…I dunno.”


    “Spence, you’re such a dork.”


    “I know, but you love me.” I stopped and realized how easily that phrase came out.


    I could hear Ashley laughing on the other end, “Yeah, that’s true.”


    “Ash, what are you doing for lunch?”


    “Um, nothing that I know of. Rachel has class when I eat lunch so I’ll be here alone trying to work.”


    “How is the writing coming along?” I flipped over my first piece of French toast.


    “It was going good…but I realize now that I work better when I’m unhappy.”


    “That’s kinda sad Ash.”


    “I guess I’d better get a better career.”


    “You could always go back to music, ya know?”


    “I guess. I would still be writing, just not songs.”


    “Very, very true.” I flipped over my second piece of toast.


    “Damn, Rachel’s alarm is going off. I gotta go Spence. Um, call me right before lunch time. Maybe you can come here for lunch or I could bring you something at the hospital.”


    “Alright, I will.” There was a long pause and then I finally decided to say it, “I love you, Ash.”






    “Bye, Spence.”


    I let her hang up the phone first and I stared down at the phone with a smile on my face. I couldn’t believe how good that felt.




    1. It’s so funny. I’m sitting here reading shouting at the screen. Tell her tell her @ Ashley whenever she’s with Rachel. And then at Spencer, I’m like do something big. Make her sure about you…This is want you want… Love how your story is making me feel so many emotions… will be waiting for the next … :)

    2. It’s so funny. I’m sitting here reading shouting at the screen. Tell her tell her @ Ashley whenever she’s with Rachel. And then at Spencer, I’m like do something big. Make her sure about you…This is want you want… Love how your story is making me feel so many emotions… will be waiting for the next … :)

    3. ahh, I can breathe a nice fat sigh of releif – I thought you’d forgotten about us avid little fans who are completely and utterly engrossed by your story. It’s so damn emotional and easy to relate to and you write really really well. I’ve always wondered how to make french toast and now you’ve answered that for me, I’m going to try it this afternoon seeing as I have nothing else to do! I’ll be lurking for the next post :)

    4. ahh, I can breathe a nice fat sigh of releif – I thought you’d forgotten about us avid little fans who are completely and utterly engrossed by your story. It’s so damn emotional and easy to relate to and you write really really well. I’ve always wondered how to make french toast and now you’ve answered that for me, I’m going to try it this afternoon seeing as I have nothing else to do! I’ll be lurking for the next post :)

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