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    Reflections – (Chapter: 5)

    There was silence on his end of the phone, and then finally he spoke, “You’re still in love with her?”


    “So are you and Rachel still getting married?”

    “Um, so far the marriage is still on schedule.”

    “But I thought…”

    “Spencer and I are working through things. We’re not officially together. But we’ve talked through it all.”

    “So you’re cheating on Rachel?” Aiden sounded disgusted.

    “Kinda…but as soon as Spencer and I know for sure that we can make it work I am ending it with Rachel.”

    Aiden laughed, “You’re logic does not resemble our Earth logic. You do know that Ash?”

    I let out a slight snicker, “So I’ve heard,” another phone call started beeping in, “Hold on Aiden, I have another call.”


    I clicked over, “Hello?”

    “Hey Ash.”

    “Hey Spence, how’s work going?”

    “Pretty slow this morning, which isn’t a bad thing.”

    “Awesome.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

    “What’ve you been doing?”

    “Just a little writing and I called Aiden. Which speaking of, he’s on the other line. Let me switch over and tell him that I’ll call him back.”

    “O’well, I just called to ask you if you wanted to bring lunch in at around noon.”

    “Sure, what are you in the mood for?”

    “I was thinking Mexican.”

    “Alright, I’ll put in a pick-up order at On The Border. You still want your usual?”


    “Mmk, I’ll be there at noon,” this time I said it, “I love you.”

    I could hear Spencer’s smile, “I love you too. Bye Ash.”


    I clicked back over to Aiden, “Alright, sorry about that I’m back.”

    “Damn, what’d you do have a deep and meaningful conversation?” he spoke sarcastically.

    I began laughing, “No we were talking lunch plans. I’m taking her lunch to her today.”

    “Ahh…that’s cool. So when are you going to tell Rachel?”

    “I don’t know.” I began feeling more horrible every time he asked.

    “Well, you better be making it soon. Because the longer things go on the worse it’s going to be Ash.”

    “I know. You’re right. But I have to figure it all out with Spencer.”

    “I get that. But wouldn’t it be a whole lot easier if Rachel was out of the picture completely? Or are you just scared that if you end it with Rachel that Spencer will do something and you’ll end up alone like always?”


    1. awww good…no no. wait. GREAT update!! i’m so glad ashley ran after spencer! i was scurred she wasnt gonna at first. i kinda feel bad for rachel but..meh. its true love. cant stand in the way of that! update again soon!!

    2. Wonderful update. I`m so glad ashley and spencer are getting together. Poor rachel but ashley has to tell her soon. Cant wait to see whats going to happen next. PMS

    3. awww good…no no. wait. GREAT update!! i’m so glad ashley ran after spencer! i was scurred she wasnt gonna at first. i kinda feel bad for rachel but..meh. its true love. cant stand in the way of that! update again soon!!

    4. Wonderful update. I`m so glad ashley and spencer are getting together. Poor rachel but ashley has to tell her soon. Cant wait to see whats going to happen next. PMS

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