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    Reflections – (Chapter: 5)

    I was silent. He was right. I was terrified of being alone. It was by far my biggest fear. I was so scared of dying alone, “Maybe.”

    “Look Ash, I have to go. But think about what I said. Better sooner than later.”

    “I will. Bye Aiden.”


    I sat there trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do. I had to figure out how to tell Rachel. I knew I was going to break her heart but I honestly didn’t want to. I loved her…but I wasn’t exactly “in” love with her. I guess there’s never a right time to say goodbye.

    When I hung up the phone I couldn’t help but keep wondering when the right time would be that she would tell Rachel about us.

    “Hey Carlin, you have a patient waiting in room three.”

    I turned around to face Justin, the only other doctor on duty today, “How bad is it?”

    “She sprang her ankle. Nothing big. But she claims that she knows you.”

    “Uh, okay.” I quickly walked to the room and grabbed the clipboard holding her info. I read a name that I hadn’t heard in years. Not since high school. I walked into the room, “Alright Vanessa, what happened?” I quickly caught a glimpse of her sitting on the bed; she hadn’t changed much except for losing some weight. She still had her short spiked blonde hair.

    “Hey Spence.” She shot me one of her classical flirtatious smiles.

    “So you sprang your ankle? Classic case don’tcha think?”

    “I know, I know. But I was running and I kinda hit a rut.”

    I sat her chart down and began to examine her ankle, “Does it hurt here?” I pushed.

    She didn’t wince in pain which was a good sign, “No. So how have you been? Got a girlfriend?”

    “You never were one for subtlety. I’ve been good. And I am seeing someone.” I felt the genuine smile run across my face.

    “That’s great.” She sucked in air through her teeth as I hit a tender spot on her ankle.

    “Sorry.” I stood up and grabbed her chart, “It’s just a sprang. You don’t seem to have anything broken. But I would stay off of it for a few days, and take Tylenol for any pain.”


    1. awww good…no no. wait. GREAT update!! i’m so glad ashley ran after spencer! i was scurred she wasnt gonna at first. i kinda feel bad for rachel but..meh. its true love. cant stand in the way of that! update again soon!!

    2. Wonderful update. I`m so glad ashley and spencer are getting together. Poor rachel but ashley has to tell her soon. Cant wait to see whats going to happen next. PMS

    3. awww good…no no. wait. GREAT update!! i’m so glad ashley ran after spencer! i was scurred she wasnt gonna at first. i kinda feel bad for rachel but..meh. its true love. cant stand in the way of that! update again soon!!

    4. Wonderful update. I`m so glad ashley and spencer are getting together. Poor rachel but ashley has to tell her soon. Cant wait to see whats going to happen next. PMS

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