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    Relax and Enjoy

    Spencer smiled and bent over to feel Ashley’s breath mix with hers. “Oh I see, you got me up, so that you could fuck me and I could get you turned on and get off as you scream my name. Right Ash, that’s what you wanted, did you want something like thing?” Spencer’s hand fell between the two bodies and right up between Ashley’s legs, pushing hard against the girl’s clit.

    Ashley’s hips bucked and responded to the blonde’s sudden movements. “Fuck Spence that was way un…..” Ashley’s words were cut short when Spencer’s lips found the brunette’s pulse in her neck, causing a moan to escape.

    Spencer sat up still straddling Ashley’s body and smiled. “I’m taking a shower then we can go okay.” She kissed the brunette’s lips and slowly slid off her body, grabbing some clothes and walking into the bathroom.

    Ashley lay in bed completely at a loss for words. Getting out of bed shaking, she called out to Spencer, walking towards the bathroom door. “You’re so going to pay for that Spencer Carlin.” Ashley stepped into the bathroom and closed the door.

    Spencer looked out one side of the curtain, “If you want a shower take off your clothes and get in here.” She closed the open gap of the shower and waited for Ashley to either walk in with her or go back out into the bedroom.

    Not even a second later, Ashley was stepping into the shower being wrapped in a wave of heat and steam. She felt Spencer’s arms wrap around her waist and pull her body against the blonde’s hot slick body.

    “It’s about time, I thought you weren’t going to come in.” Spencer whispered into Ashley’s ear as her right hand traveled lower down her waist.

    Ashley let out a whimpering moan, feeling Spencer’s fingers touch her thigh and move slowly back up. Taking in a deep breath of the humid air, she replied slowly, “Like I said before….you’re going to pay.” Ashley turned around in the blonde’s arms and kissed the girl with full force. She felt Spencer holding her ground against her body. The brunette wondered how long before Spencer wanted to feel Ashley inside her, tasting her.

    Spencer started to give up some control and felt her body being pushed backwards. The hot water was raising their body temperatures and turning Spencer on more and more. Suddenly the blonde’s body hit the wall. The feeling of cold tile hitting the back of Spencer, brought a scream from the girl’s mouth. “Oh my God Ashley!”

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