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    Relax and Enjoy

    Ashley’s body pressed hard against the blonde’s. Her hands held the girls waist as she tried to get away from the coldness. “No Spencer, not this time.” Ashley bent her head and sucked on the blonde’s neck, feeling Spencer relaxing into her arms and sliding her hands through the brunette’s wet hair. Ashley’s left hand slid down Spencer’s wet body and along her thighs. She pulled up the blonde’s legs, pushing and moving her body against the other girl’s centre.

    “Ash…oh God….you….uhh…I…need…fuck……Ashley…..please…..just…” Spencer was having problems trying to think complete thoughts, as she felt the brunette’s body.

    Ashley’s lips touched Spencer’s ear, “What do you need baby. Do you want this…” She kissed down Spencer’s neck and moved down and kissed just above the blonde’s breasts. She moved back up. “Or what about this…” Her hands slid down her hips and ran lightly across Spencer’s clit.

    “Yes…Ash…yes…” Spencer’s head rested against the wall of the shower as she tried to keep her eyes on Ashley’s face.

    “Yes what?”  Ashley’s lips lowered dangerously close to Spencer’s not touching.

    Spencer’s blue eyes burned into Ashley’s deep brown ones as she whispered and mouthed the words, “Fuck…me..” The look she gave Ashley was of pure pleasure and lust.

    Ashley wasted no time bringing her fingers directly up into Spencer’s body. She didn’t move at first, then started a slow, torturous motion against Spencer. Ashley felt Spencer’s body getting weaker to stand on her own as she wrapped her free arm around the blonde’s body, holding her in place.

    “Uhhh oh please, harder…faster Ashley.” Spencer begged grinding her hips into the brunette’s hand. She let out a moan when she felt Ashley’s speed pick up and the pressure increased. Spencer felt herself coming closer to orgasming.

    Ashley pushed deeper and curled her fingers, pushing Spencer completely over the edge. “That’s it Spence…” She encouraged the girl. Not letting up she continued her quick motions bring a second smaller orgasm from the blonde girl.

    “Ohhh God Ash…” Spencer’s body felt so weak that her legs where threatening to buckle.

    Ashley still held onto the blonde as she leaned over and turned off the water. “Can you stand on your own for a few?” Ashley asked concerned that the girl would fall and hurt herself.

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