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    Relax and Enjoy

    “Yeah I’m fine I think.” Spencer’s breathing was still a little rapid, but she was sort of standing sort of still leaning against the wall of the shower.

    Ashley nodded and stepped out grabbing a towel and wrapping it around herself. Grabbing a second one, she carefully wrapped up the blonde’s body, gently pulling her out of the shower. She led Spencer back out into the bedroom and sat her down on the bed.

    Ashley sat down next to Spencer and put her hand on the girl’s thigh. “How are you feeling?” She wasn’t sure if Spencer was truly alright.

    The girl’s head was bent down, her blonde hair covering her eyes. Small shaking movements were still coming from the girl.

    Ashley lifted Spencer’s chin and realized why. “Oh my God, Spence, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” The brunette hugged the girl’s body against hers, hating herself for being so rough with her.

    Spencer’s body calmed down and she looked up into Ashley’s brown eyes. “Ashley…it’s fine, I’m fine.” Spencer seen the confusion on the other girl’s face. “You didn’t hurt me. I feel fine, amazing actually.” She leaned up and kissed Ashley tenderly.

    Ashley completely forgot how turned on she was until now. She felt Spencer’s hand against her face, the other one on the knot of the towel. She felt the towel fall loose and taken away from her body. Pulling away, she noticed that Spencer’s towel was also gone.

    Spencer pushed her body against the brunette’s guiding it backwards on the bed. She placed her body between Ashley’s as her lips moved down to the brunette’s neck, sucking and biting on the pulse point.

    “Mmm oh God Spence, don’t stop?” Ashley moaned and grinded her hips against Spencer’s centre.

    Spencer’s hand stilled Ashley’s hips and kissed below her ear, then whispered, “Not yet baby.” She went back to the brunette’s neck kissing down her collar bone.

    Ashley’s whimpering turned to moans as her fingers tangled in Spencer’s hair, as the blonde moved her mouth further down. “Spencer you don’t have to do this, I can take care of this later and you and I don’t have to get each other off after the other one does.”

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