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    Relax and Enjoy

    Spencer smiled and bent her head down flicking the brunette’s clit as she looked up at her and stared into Ashley’s brown eyes. Before Ashley had time to protest, the blonde quickly slid two fingers inside the brunette. Lifting her head Spencer watched as Ashley’s eyes rolled into the back of her head, and her hips start up a motion with at the same pace as Spencer’s hand. “That’s it baby, nice and easy.” The blonde softly said as Ashley’s moaning started softly.

    Ashley’s hips picked up and slowed down with Spencer’s hand. Whenever the blonde’s tongue found her clit, Ashley let out a groan and grinded her hips harder, into the girls hand.

    Spencer sighed and found a pace that caused Ashley’s body to writhe under hers. Smiling the blonde pulled her fingers out and placed her thigh between Ashley’s hips. She moved Ashley’s hips against hers hearing the brunette give a guttural moan.

    “Spence…feels…so…good harder.” Ashley’s breathing turned into a panting as her bucking became more harsh and forceful. She held onto Spencer’s shoulders afraid she ‘d pull away or stop. Ashley’s nails dug deep into Spencer’s shoulders causing her to moan between pleasure and pain.

    Spencer’s hips moved faster from Ashley’s sudden change in pace. Her head dropped down into the brunette’s shoulders, letting cries escape her mouth again. The feeling and heat was building up again and Spencer knew that she wasn’t going to last long if Ashley’s thigh kept rubbing oh so delightfully against her clit. Every touch, Ashley caused Spencer to let out a moan and press down harder into the brunette’s centre.

    Deciding quickly what she wanted, Spencer slid her body down Ashley’s. Resting down on her knees between the brunette’s legs still. Spencer watched Ashley’s eyes stare down into hers, they pleaded and begged silently for Spencer to touch her again. Spencer moved her mouth over Ashley’s clit and drew her tongue across lightly then rough.

    Ashley moaned and whimpered, “There Spencer…oh my God right there!” Ashley’s fingers tangled into Spencer’s blonde hair, holding the girl’s head in place. Her body started to shake as her orgasm was rapidly approaching. She released Spencer’s head and gripped onto the bed sheets arching her back off the bed.

    Spencer felt the brunette’s orgasm explode through her body, causing Ashley’s eyes to drop another shade darker, before they closed to ride out the feeling. Carefully Spencer crawled back up her lover’s body, hearing Ashley’s panting turn back slowly to normal breathing. Holding the girl’s body against hers, Spencer’s finger’s brushed through the brunette’s damp hair.

    Ashley’s head rested comfortably on the blonde’s chest as her right arm lay across Spencer’s waist lightly. “You’re amazing you know. And I love you…a lot.” Ashley’s voice vibrated off into Spencer’s bare skin.

    Laughing the blonde kissed the top of Ashley’s head. “I love you too.” She laid there, holding onto Ashley, listening to her breathing. “Weren’t we going to go somewhere?”

    Ashley’s eyes crept up to meet Spencer’s and smiled, “Not anymore, I think we should just stay right here in bed, just you and me.”

    “I like the sound of that Ash.” Spencer’s lips met the brunettes, as once again they were lost in each others arms, and bodies.

    The End


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