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    Rester Avec Moi – (Chapter: 2)

    “Do you want to go up to my room where it’s a little quiet or just stay here? I’m good either way.” Ashley said easily as she relaxed herself on a nearby refreshment stand.

    “It doesn’t really matter? Whatever works for you.”

    “Then lets just go up to my room, I need to get away from this madness anyways.”

    “All right then, lead the way.”

    “Why don’t you crash on the chair over there and I’ll be here on my bed.” Ashley said before jumping onto her bed. “Interview away.”

    “Okay. Well let’s see…” Spencer mumbled. “You mind if I record you?” Ashley shook her head in response. She took out her tape recorder and pressed the red button before setting it down on the table next to her.

    “So Ashley being the president of Alpha Zeta Alpha, does it affect you school wise?”

    “Well like…I mean like…what?” Ashley questioned.

    Spencer just looked at her dumb-founded. Is she really that stupid? “Does it affect you school wise…as in does it mess up your grades?”

    “It like doesn’t like make me like fail classes.”

    “Dude, just cut the white girl act. I know it’s not real.” Spencer said straight forward.

    Ashley just looked at her before letting out a big sigh. “Finally someone that doesn’t give a shit about my reputation. Where have you been?”

    Spencer laughed surprised that she was really serious. “You know, places – in my dorm room for instance.”

    Ashley laughed and smiled at her. “Oh and to answer your question. It doesn’t affect me with my classes. If I knew that it would change my grades in a bad way I wouldn’t have joined this sorority in the first place.”

    “So you think joining a sorority is a good idea for people who are looking forward to going to college?”

    “Yeah of course. The whole idea of having a big family and everyone having your back was one of the reasons I wanted to join. Aside from the glamour and parties it’s all about the friendship that you develop with these people.” Spencer nodded in agreement as she scribbled down notes in her notebook.

    “What about you, Spencer, do you think Journalism was a good idea?”

    “Well I always loved writing ever since…I don’t know, when I learned how to write.” Spencer laughed lightly. “It’s like the whole pressure and rush of everything is what I live for. When that adrenalin kicks in, it just totally rocks.”

    “Wow, never thought that writing could be so interesting.”

    “Yeah….” Spencer smiled. “Wait shouldn’t I be interviewing you?”

    “I don’t know you tell me.” A grin formed across Ashley’s face. Spencer looked at her as her face began to blush. Ashley looked at her and there eyes locked. Spencer looked on taking in the beauty of her interviewee. Her body leaned forward pushing her notebook off her lap and onto the floor with a big thump.

    Spencer looked down and reached for it. “Here lemme get that.” Ashley got up from the bed and reached for the notebook. She grabbed it and handed it to her.


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    1. I’m so looking forward to the next chapter. :) It seems like you’ve really nailed Spencer and Ashley’s characteristics so far, which is great.

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