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    Rester Avec Moi – (Chapter: 3)

    “Hell yeah!” The guy laughed before high-fiving his guy friends.

    “Well guess what. You can’t fucking have it. So why don’t you go play your little soccer with your cute little boyfriends while I get back to sunbathing. You idiots shouldn’t even be out playing your fucking little sports. Why don’t you do something with the education that’s given to you? There are over a million of kids that can’t into college and your out here playing.”

    “What about you? What are you out doing here?” He shot back.

    “I’m spending my fucking 4.0 average time out here!” Ashley yelled back. She sat back down and realized everyone was looking at her. “Anyone else want to check me out?!” Everyone went back to what they were doing in attempt to avoid the hell that just broke lose.

    The girls who surrounded cheered her on. Ashley looked over spotting Spencer who was looking at her group. Spencer laughed making a smile form across Ashley’s face. She threw up her thumb and mouthed Good Job. Ashley nodded Thank you.

    Spencer still reading under her tree for the pass few hours was greeted by her new friend, Ashley. “So you saw the whole thing that went on this morning?” Spencer peeked from behind her book, nodded and returned to her reading.

    “Whatcha doin’?”

    “Justa readin’.”

    “Whatcha reading’?”

    “A book…”

    “Fascinating….” Ashley said sarcastically under her breathe.

    Spencer glared at her and set her book down next to her. “Okay 4.0 average what do you think is fascinating other than cussing out random soccer guys.”

    “Hey, that was only one time!”

    “I’ll only take that in account because I haven’t seen it happen before.”

    “I didn’t. I don’t go that crazy unless it’s something bad.” Ashley said defending herself.



    “Okay, cause I don’t want no crazy girl on my back.” Spencer laughed leaning her back towards the tree trunk.

    “Who doesn’t want a crazy friend?”

    “A person who isn’t crazy?

    “So your not crazy.”


    “Aha! So you are. Long pauses signifies unsureness.”

    “I didn’t say I was cr-”

    “Shh!” Ashley said placing her index finger on the top of her friend’s lips. “You are forever crazy and you can’t deny it.” Spencer looked at her a frowned. Ashley nodded over to reassure her.

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