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    Rester Avec Moi – (Chapter: 4)

    “That laugh was so unnecessary.”

    Ashley smiled at her and placed her hands inside her pockets. “So, where do you want to eat?”

    “No clue, I was hoping for an input from you.”

    “I’m really feeling for some coffee.”

    “Coffee it is then.”

    The two girls sat across from each other both sipping there cups of coffee slowly.

    “How are you?” Ashley asked first, in attempt to break the ice.

    “Just getting a bit busy with the Journalism stuff, no biggy. What about you?”

    “Oh you know.”

    “No…I actually don’t.”

    “Partying, partying, and-”

    “More partying?”

    “Actually, I was gonna say homework.”

    Spencer laughed, “Oh yeah I forgot. You’re the smart one.”

    “There’s other smart girls in that house too.” She protested.

    “Name one.”

    “There’s…no wait.” Ashley paused for a second. “Well there’s, no wait she cheats. No wait there’s-”

    “Trust me, there isn’t.”

    “I guess your right.”

    “Those are 4 words I always love to hear.”

    Ashley walked quickly to the front door of Starbucks and opened it for Spencer. “After you.” She said and then followed behind her.

    “You wanna maybe catch a movie?”

    Spencer looked at her for awhile and she began to thinking. “Well, I sorta have homework for Jones tomorrow…”

    “I mean you don’t have to go. It was just an idea.”

    “Oh no it’s fine. I rather hang out with you than be stuck in my room doing homework.”

    “I guessing there’s a compliment in there somewhere.” Ashley smiled.

    “Yeup. So what do you want to watch? No scary movies please.”

    “Aww, come on. Those are the best ones!”

    “I hate scary movies!”

    “I’ll be there with you, so it won’t be that scary.”


    “Promise.” Ashley smiled placing her arm around her shoulder. “Now let’s go already.” She said nudging her forward.

    “You owe me big time.”

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    1. i’m guessing ash’s fake persona is going to cause problems for the beginning couple/friends later on but right now i love how ash is with spencer vs how she is around other people pms

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