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    Rester Avec Moi – (Chapter: 6)

    “A girl kissed me, I totally freaked and I left.”

    Tyler gasped trying to understand the situation. “A girl…”

    “Yes, Ty, a girl. Is that so shocking?”

    “I always thought you were-”

    “Straight? I know, I did to.”

    “So what your gay now?”

    “Please I don’t want any labels plastered on me when I’m in this confused state. I don’t even know what happened. She was my friend…I guess. It was kinda hard to sense if she was just flirty or caring. It’s just this sorta vibe she gives off. The whole you-know-you-love-me thing.”


    “And then after all this time we’ve been hanging out she kisses me. I don’t know how to react to that. It’s confusing enough that it happened at such a late time.”

    “Did you…you know?” Tyler whispered seductively.

    “Like it?”


    “I didn’t…hate it.” Spencer said lightly, her face beginning to blush.

    “Geez Spencer your such a girl. Ya know I’ll always love you, even if you are a lesbian.” Tyler laughed wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

    “Please no labels.”

    Tyler laughed. “Right…You kissed a woman and you liked it, your totally not gay.”

    “Shut up.” Spencer laughed pushing him away from her.

    “C’mon, you know you did!”

    “We’re not talking about this ever again.”

    “I’ll just wait until…you know, she kisses you again.”

    “Shut up.”

    “Why you blushing?” Tyler snickered.

    “Fuck you, Ty, fuck you.”

    Ashley spun her cell phone around in her hand trying to keep her head off of what had happened last night. She flipped open her cell phone and dialed Spencer’s number. The green light of the call button gleamed in her face waiting to be pressed.

    Ashley looked at her phone before closing it. “Damn it, Ashley, get it together.”

    She flipped open her phone and dialed Spencer’s number again. She pressed the talk button and put the phone to her ear. The phone rang once, and then twice. Ashley let out a deep sigh before ending the call again.

    “Come on, Ashley. Your not like this. Get your fucking act together.” Ashley said to herself clenching her fist around the small cell phone.

    “Okay, I’m ready.”

    She opened her phone and dialed. Her fingers were shaking and sweat began to descend from her forehead.

    It rang once, twice….and then a third time.

    “Hello?” The girl on the other line said.

    “Spencer, hey.”

    “I’m sorry you got the wrong number.”

    “Shit.” Ashley said and closed her phone.

    She looked at her phone and began to laugh. It took her that long to finally get the courage and she dialed the wrong number. “Good one, Ashley.” She said to herself smacking her palm against her forehead. “You’re a fuckin’ moron.”

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