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    Rester Avec Moi – (Chapter: 7)

    She walked up and knocked gently. “Come in.” Spencer opened the door slightly and Ashley looked back at her.

    “Thought, you’d never come.”

    “I’m sorry.”

    “It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize.”

    “No Ashley, I do. I’m sorry for the whole I’m into you-I’m not thing, it was a mistake. It’s just completely different with you. You make me feel so perfect and safe, and no one has actually done that to me except Tyler, and he’s my best guy friend. I only knew you for like what, a few weeks, and I completely fell for you. It was just completely scary and nerve-wracking.”


    “Ash, I’m just sorry about what happened that night. I really wanted to kiss you, I wanted to hold you, I wanted to be with you. It was just-“

    “Different. I know, Spencer. I wasn’t expecting you to be all over me. That’s why I let you had your time to think. And if you actually cared, you’d come back, and you did.” Ashley said softly and smiled her face beginning to blush.

    Spencer hopped onto the bed next to her. “I miss you.” She whispered and kissed her on the cheek.

    “You weren’t the only one, missing someone.”

    Tyler sat on his bed and alternated his bicep curls. Spencer knocked once before barging in.

    “Oh my gosh, Ty. You were so right.” Spencer squealed and ran over to hug her best friend.

    “I told you.”

    “I mean, it was so awesome. I told her everything about how it was different and she completely understood. It was so crazy.”

    “Well, don’t girls always understand what girls go through?”

    “Yeah, but it was so awesome. She actually cared.”

    “I’m so happy for you, Spencer, really.” Tyler smiled putting down his dumbbells. “You’re a real lesbian, good for you.”

    “Shut up.” Spencer laughed and punched him the arm.

    “What isn’t that what you are?”

    “Everyone and your labels. Can’t I just be able to hold a girl and just say I like it without someone calling me names?”

    “Okay, okay, chill Spencer.”

    Spencer laughed and began jumping up and down. “I’m just so happy, I can do just about anything.”

    “How about a little, thank you Tyler kiss?”

    “Okay scratch that, I can do just a few things.”

    “Your such a kill joy, Spence.”

    “But your such a guy.”

    “What’s wrong with that?”

    “You just don’t have boobs.”

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