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    Rester Avec Moi – (Chapter: 8)

    “Come on.” Ashley said and placed her towel on the sand. The two laid down side by side each taking in the presence of the other.

    “I really like this.” Spencer said softly.

    “I do too.”

    Spencer turned over on her side and looked at Ashley. Ashley looked at her and pulled off her Aviators. “Yeah?”

    Spencer leaned in and kissed her on the lips. “I just wanted to know how it felt to kiss a girl.”

    Ashley bit down on her bottom lip. “So how was it?”

    “Everything I would thought it’d be. Perfect.”

    Ashley sighed lightly. “Your such a romantic.”

    “I’m just being the girl that I am.”

    “And that’s why I like it.” Ashley replied.



    “When did you know you were…gay?”

    “There was a time back in the day, with this girl, Stacy”

    “Did you like her?”

    “Like her? I completely fell for her, hard.”

    “When was this?”

    “High school.”

    “Oh. Well what happened?”

    “I met her after this event I had. We started talking and I began to like her. Everything about her, her smile, her style, her laugh, it made me melt. But-”

    “But what?”

    “I found out she was with someone else.” Ashley replied sounding like she was still affected by it.

    “A girl?”

    “Yeah, my best friend.”


    “Then there was this whole mix-up. They broke up and then I had to choose whether to go after her or stay with my best friend.”

    “So what did you do?”

    “I stayed, comforting my best friend. I completely regret letting her go, but my best friend was hurt, I couldn’t do that to her.”


    “Yeah, ever since I’ve been into girls.”

    “Maybe I should meet that girl and thank her for making you gay.”

    Ashley laughed a little, “I doubt it.”

    “So after her, did you have any girlfriends?”


    “Who was she?”

    “Her name was…Audrey.”

    “Audrey, that sounds like a hot girl.”

    “Yeah, she was. She reminded me a little bit of you except she had a completely different style from yours. She was a writer, she was straight, and she knew were she was going and she’d do anything to continue to were she wanted to go.”

    “That sounds like me in way, well the first two parts. Well the first part, because I think you might have changed me.”

    Ashley looked at her and smiled, “I have that effect on people. Anyways, we were together for about…3 years. I met her at the beginning of freshman year, but then we broke up before junior year.”

    “She went to UCLA?”

    “Yeah, and then she wanted to transfer to NYC.”


    “I’m not exactly why. She left before we could even settle anything.”

    “She just left you there?”


    “I’m so sorry, Ash.” Spencer said softly.

    “I’m over it. Really over it.”

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