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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 14)


    “OPEN IT DAMMIT!” Spencer screamed causing her girlfriend to jump.


    “Jesus Spence, calm down!” Ashley now ripping the envelope open with urgency, afraid that the blonde would have a melt down. “Okay, ready?”


    Spencer just shot her a look that said ‘now or you die’


    “English, A. Math, B+. Communications, A, Spanish A, Chemistry…”


    Spencer was hanging on every word, satisfied with her grades so far the one she had feared was yet to be reveled. “Just say it Ash, its okay.”


    “Chemistry….B” Ashley said with a huge smile “You did it, you passed!”


    Spencer let out a sigh of relief. “Thank god. Okay your turn”


    Ashley opened her envelope with ease. Glancing at the paper and putting it in her purse. Her face was unreadable.


    “Ash, is everything okay?”


    “Yep. You ready to go pack?” she asked standing up her voice now distant and quiet.


    “Um…yeah I guess…actually no.”


    Ashley looked confused and sat back down across from Spencer.


    “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong”


    “Nothing I just didn’t do as well as I thought”


    “That’s it. That’s all you’re going to tell me?” Spencer sounded upset


    “Can we just drop it please?” The brunette was getting defensive.


    “ok, fine, whatever” Spencer got up and started walking back to the room.


    “Spence, wait up.” Ashley caught up and walked beside the blonde and then stopping her. “Lets not fight today, please” she ran her and along her girlfriends cheek.


    “I just don’t want you to hide things from me”


    “I’m not, I promise I just don’t want to talk about it right now”


    “can we talk about it when you’re ready?”


    Ashley smiled “of course we can”


    The two girls headed back to the room together, they got their bags packed and were soon ready to head off of campus.


    “I’m going to bring the bags down to the car I’ll be right back” Ashley said as she left the room.


    Spencer went close the room windows when she noticed something sticking out of Ashley’s purse. It was the white envelope. The one she had been so secretive about before.

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    1. Hell no this cant be happening. Sarah is a EVIL bitch that want spencer. Ashley better fix this now. You cant let this happen. Please let ashley be able to keep living with spencer. PMS

    2. Sarah is starting is gross me out. She’s a fucking stalker! And she needs to get a life! This chapter reminds me of my gf and I. We decided to move in together this january so, she put a req in to leave her dorm. And now she can’t reverse. We’re not moving in together anymore so, she’s stuck with a two bedroom.

    3. Hell no this cant be happening. Sarah is a EVIL bitch that want spencer. Ashley better fix this now. You cant let this happen. Please let ashley be able to keep living with spencer. PMS

    4. Sarah is starting is gross me out. She’s a fucking stalker! And she needs to get a life! This chapter reminds me of my gf and I. We decided to move in together this january so, she put a req in to leave her dorm. And now she can’t reverse. We’re not moving in together anymore so, she’s stuck with a two bedroom.

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