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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 14)


    No Spencer, if Ashley doesn’t want you to see it you should respect that. Plus you can’t go through her purse, that would wrong…..but if I knew what was bothering her I can help right? I mean how bad could it possibly be? She thought to herself


    Spencer stood still, staring at the envelope that held the answer to why Ashley was upset. Wouldn’t I be a bad girlfriend if I didn’t try to help?


    The blonde check down the hall to make sure Ashley wasn’t coming. She quickly ran over to the purse and yanked the envelope out, opening it with alarming speed. Her eyes ran across the list of classes and grades. A confused look came across her face. English, A…Theatre, A….Music, A… Math, B…Biology B. I don’t get it. Ashley’s grades were above average, she did well. Why was she so secretive?


    Spencer went to put the paper back in the envelope when she felt something, it was another piece of paper behind it. She quickly pulled it out. It was a letter from her advisor.


    ”Find what you were looking for?” A voice came from behind her. Spencer quickly turned around to find Ashley standing in the doorway hands on hip not looking happy.


    “I…I um…I just wanted to know why you were upset. I wanted to help” Spencer managed.


    Ashley didn’t say anything, but did walk over to the blond putting her hand out for the pieces of paper. Spencer, ashamed of herself, looking straight into Ashley’s eyes, handed over the paper.


    “I guess you saw then?” Ashley asked in a stern voice.


    “I saw that you got great grades, I don’t get it Ash, why not tell me?” Spencer retorted in a more accusing tone than she had wanted. Ashley’s eyes widened.


    “First of all there is more to it than that. Second of all I planned on telling you. And why in the hell would you go through my purse!” Ashley yelled.


    “Maybe I shouldn’t have looked but if you had been honest with me in the first place I wouldn’t have” Spencer defended.


    “Jeez Spence” Ashley sighed and handed her the letter from her advisor and walked out.

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    1. Hell no this cant be happening. Sarah is a EVIL bitch that want spencer. Ashley better fix this now. You cant let this happen. Please let ashley be able to keep living with spencer. PMS

    2. Sarah is starting is gross me out. She’s a fucking stalker! And she needs to get a life! This chapter reminds me of my gf and I. We decided to move in together this january so, she put a req in to leave her dorm. And now she can’t reverse. We’re not moving in together anymore so, she’s stuck with a two bedroom.

    3. Hell no this cant be happening. Sarah is a EVIL bitch that want spencer. Ashley better fix this now. You cant let this happen. Please let ashley be able to keep living with spencer. PMS

    4. Sarah is starting is gross me out. She’s a fucking stalker! And she needs to get a life! This chapter reminds me of my gf and I. We decided to move in together this january so, she put a req in to leave her dorm. And now she can’t reverse. We’re not moving in together anymore so, she’s stuck with a two bedroom.

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