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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 14)


    Spencer knew she had been wrong by going through Ashley’s things, she regretted it, and she regretted accusing Ashley of being dishonest the second the brunette left the room. She did the only thing she could think of, she went after her.


    “Ashley!” Spencer yelled after the brunette who was only half way down the hall.


    Ashley turned around and Spencer caught up with her. “Here” she said handing her back the paper. “I’m sorry I snooped, it was wrong and stupid and immature and even though I was just worried about you, I should have trusted you to tell me when you were ready” Spencer said in one breath.


    Ashley looked at her girlfriend. Then she looked at the letter. “I know I’m sorry I got so mad, it’s just…here read it” She said handing the letter back to her girlfriend.


    Spencer took the letter and began to read it.

    Dear Ms. Davies


    We are pleased to inform that your request to live off campus for the upcoming spring semester has been approved.


    Please be sure to take your belongings with you, and have a nice winter break.




    Housing Department


    Spencer stood there shocked. She looked up at Ashley, who had her eyes planted on the floor.


    “Why?” she asked her voice dripping with hurt.


    “I made that request before I even moved in, before I met you.” Ashley was now looking at a tearing Spencer. The brunette went to pull her in for a hug, but Spencer quickly took a step back. “Please, Spencer it was before I even met you, before…before I fell for you”


    A tear rolled down the blonde’s cheek. “Can you reverse it?” she asked.


    “No, I called the office while I was bringing the bags down, I begged them to reverse it, but they said my spot had been filled by another student”


    “So…I’ll have a new roommate?”


    “…yeah…I know you’re upset and hurt but I swear I…”


    “Why didn’t you take back the request during the year?” Spencer asked.


    “I forgot I had made it in the first place, the letter shocked me too. Do you believe me?” Ashley asked now starting to tear up, her voice cracking.


    Spencer took Ashley’s hand in hers “Of course I believe you”


    With that Ashley threw her arms around Spencer. “I love you, and I don’t want to leave you” she whispered in the blonde’s ear.


    “I don’t want you to leave”


    “I’m going to have this figured out I promise. I just need a little time.”


    “Alright, but even if we can’t live together Ash, doesn’t mean we can’t be together. It’ll be different.”


    “I know”


    They were still pressed together, arms draped over one another when they were interrupted by a door opening and a familiar voice peeping in.


    “Spencer! We’re going to be roommates” Sarah called from her doorway, waving a white piece of paper almost identical to Ashley’s.


    Spencer and Ashley were in shock. Spencer was growing worried and Ashley was growing angry.


    “What the hell are you talking about?” Ashley demanded.


    “I got a letter from housing saying that I’m moving down the hall and my new roommate was Spencer” Sarah said, not picking up on the anger in Ashley’s voice. She was too excited to care.


    Spencer looked over at her girlfriend who looked like she was going to either hit Sarah. She quickly stepped in “Sarah can we talk about this later?”


    “Sure” Sarah said “We can plan it out over break!” she added before returning to her room and closing the door.


    “SHIT!” Ashley yelled to no one particular. “This is not happening. I’m going to fix it. That or I’m going to kill Sarah”


    “Ashley calm down” Spencer tried to console her.


    “Calm? I am calm I promise. I’m going to fix this.” Ashley tried to convince the blonde


    I really hope I can fix this Ashley thought to herself


    I really hope she can fix this Spencer thought.



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    1. Hell no this cant be happening. Sarah is a EVIL bitch that want spencer. Ashley better fix this now. You cant let this happen. Please let ashley be able to keep living with spencer. PMS

    2. Sarah is starting is gross me out. She’s a fucking stalker! And she needs to get a life! This chapter reminds me of my gf and I. We decided to move in together this january so, she put a req in to leave her dorm. And now she can’t reverse. We’re not moving in together anymore so, she’s stuck with a two bedroom.

    3. Hell no this cant be happening. Sarah is a EVIL bitch that want spencer. Ashley better fix this now. You cant let this happen. Please let ashley be able to keep living with spencer. PMS

    4. Sarah is starting is gross me out. She’s a fucking stalker! And she needs to get a life! This chapter reminds me of my gf and I. We decided to move in together this january so, she put a req in to leave her dorm. And now she can’t reverse. We’re not moving in together anymore so, she’s stuck with a two bedroom.

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