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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 15)


    “Yeah, but we’re doing okay though right?”


    “Yes, yeah we’re great, but I just feel like it’s a step backwards you know?”


    “Yeah” Spencer agreed, not sure where Ashley was going with this.


    “Well, I talked to housing, and I think I’ve figured everything out”


    Spencer smile grew “So they’re going to let you stay on campus?”


    “No” Ashley answered flatly. Spencer’s smile faded.


    “I don’t understand then”


    Ashley reached into her pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. Spencer looked more confused, even a little scare. “What is that?” she asked.


    “You’re Christmas gift” Ashley said. The brunette smiled, but didn’t receive one back from the blonde. She placed the small box in Spencer’s hand. “Well, open it”


    “Ash…” Spencer said, unsure of what her reaction should be.


    “Spence, will you relax. Open it”


    Spencer swallowed hard and slowly opened the box. To her surprise, and relief it wasn’t a ring. Instead it was a small gold key attached to a gold heart shaped key chain. “Ashley?” the blonde questioned. Still confused on what she was looking at.


    Ashley was grinning ear to ear. “I told you that I talked to housing and instead of letting me live on campus next semester, they are going to let you live off campus. That is the key to our new apartment”


    Spencer’s mouth dropped. “Oh my god. Are you serious?” she asked excitement growing in her voice.


    “Yep, its one a one bedroom apartment, a block away from campus. I even had it furnished. We can move in as soon as you’re ready….” Ashley was barely able to finish when she was tackled on the bed by Spencer, who was placing small kisses all over her face.


    “I’m glad you like it”


    Spencer reluctantly got off of Ashley, her smile was ear to ear and her eyes were watering with tears. “You are unbelievable.”


    The girls were interrupted by an older blonde woman entering the room. “Merry Christmas Ashley!” Paula said with enthusiasm.


    “Merry Christmas” the brunette smiled back.


    “by the looks of it, I’m guessing Ashley gave you your present” she directed to Spencer.


    1. i loved this update and especially loved that fact that both parents approve of ashley!!!! oh and Flyleaf ROCKS MY SOCKS!!! that is my fav song i hav it on my myspace and wrote a fic based on that song lol… oh man oh man the X-factor is in the picture now… should be interesting to see wat happens…. PMS

    2. i loved this update and especially loved that fact that both parents approve of ashley!!!! oh and Flyleaf ROCKS MY SOCKS!!! that is my fav song i hav it on my myspace and wrote a fic based on that song lol… oh man oh man the X-factor is in the picture now… should be interesting to see wat happens…. PMS

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