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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 15)


    “You knew about this?!?!” Spencer demanded, amused.


    “Yeah, Ashley came and asked for me and your father’s permission. I am so happy for you two” She smiled.


    Spencer jumped up and hugged her mother. “Thanks mom”


    “Well girls, food will be ready in a couple of hours.”


    “Thanks Mrs. C”


    Paula left the room and Spencer was truly in shock. Her mother had never liked any of the girls she brought home, mainly because they weren’t boys. This Christmas couldn’t have gotten any better, it was perfect so far.


    The girls stayed on Spencer’s bed, enjoying the closeness they had missed all week.


    “AH!” Spencer jumped up


    “What! What’s wrong?” Ashley sat up concern in her voice


    “I almost forgot! I’ll be right back”


    Before Ashley could say anything Spencer was running out the door and down the stairs. She came back moments later holding a hard brown guitar case with a red bow wrapped around it.


    It was Ashley’s turn to be surprised.


    “I almost forgot about your gift” Spencer said, glad to see she had caught the brunette off guard.

    “Spencer, you didn’t have to…” Ashley said as Spencer put the case in front of her on the bed.


    “I’m new to the whole instrument thing, but when I went in the store it just looked like it would fit you”


    Ashley undid the bow and carefully opened the case. It was beautiful. A black acoustic guitar I fine line of red tracing the outside and around the sound hole. The body had an old fashioned shape to it. The top had a slight curve in it. Ashley didn’t know what to say.


    “Check the back” Spencer said barely over a whisper.


    Ashley flipped over the guitar and found her name in perfect script on the back Ashley Davies


    The brunette finally found words. “Thank you, it’s perfect, you’re perfect”


    Spencer smiled, and Ashley placed the guitar back in the case, got up and without warning pulled the blonde into a fierce passionate kiss, it deepened quickly and soon their hands were everywhere. A knock was heard and voice came through the door. “Dinner!” they heard Spencer’s dad call.


    1. i loved this update and especially loved that fact that both parents approve of ashley!!!! oh and Flyleaf ROCKS MY SOCKS!!! that is my fav song i hav it on my myspace and wrote a fic based on that song lol… oh man oh man the X-factor is in the picture now… should be interesting to see wat happens…. PMS

    2. i loved this update and especially loved that fact that both parents approve of ashley!!!! oh and Flyleaf ROCKS MY SOCKS!!! that is my fav song i hav it on my myspace and wrote a fic based on that song lol… oh man oh man the X-factor is in the picture now… should be interesting to see wat happens…. PMS

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