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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 15)


    The kiss broke and Spencer breathlessly answered “We’ll be right down” never breaking eye contact with her girlfriend.



    Dinner went well. Spencer was happily surprised by how well Ashley got along with her family. They had never warmed up to anyone Spencer had dated before. Even though Ashley had only met with her parents once or twice before it was already like she was part of the family. Time flew by and it was nearing 6 o’clock.


    “We better get a move on” Ashley said “Thank you for having me” she directed at the family who was still sitting around the table.


    “Anytime Ashley, it was great having you” Arthur said.


    Ashley turned to Spencer “Ready?”


    “Yeah let’s go”


    Spencer got up and hugged her parents goodbye. The girls were out the door and in the car, Ashley had brought her new guitar with her and they were at Gray in only 15 minutes.

    Brianna and Aiden were there to greet them when the arrived.


    “Hey guys! Happy holidays.” Brianna said pulling them both into a hug.


    Aiden followed the red heads lead and greeted the couple.


    “Lets get you backstage to set up, and get a sound check” Brianna said pulling Ashley away from the group.


    “Good luck” Spencer called out after them.


    The two girls went back stage and out of sight. Leaving Aiden and Spencer alone to wait for them.


    “Soooo?” Spencer started


    “So ….what?” Aiden questioned.


    “So what’s going on with you and Brianna?” the mention of the red head’s name brought a smile to his face.


    “We’re sorta…kinda…a couple now” he said


    “Get out! That’s great!” She said playfully slapping his arm.


    “Yeah, she’s great.” He agreed “so did you like your present?”


    “You knew too?” she laughed


    “Hey, who do you think moved all the furniture in?” he teased.


    “I’m so excited, I can’t wait to see it”


    “It’s huge, Ashley really went all out. I’ve never seen her like this before”


    “Like what?” Spencer tilted her head hoping for the answer she already knew.


    “So in love. She was the ‘love em and leave em’ type in high school, she only had one serious relationship, and that ended pretty bad.” He said “you make her happy”


    1. i loved this update and especially loved that fact that both parents approve of ashley!!!! oh and Flyleaf ROCKS MY SOCKS!!! that is my fav song i hav it on my myspace and wrote a fic based on that song lol… oh man oh man the X-factor is in the picture now… should be interesting to see wat happens…. PMS

    2. i loved this update and especially loved that fact that both parents approve of ashley!!!! oh and Flyleaf ROCKS MY SOCKS!!! that is my fav song i hav it on my myspace and wrote a fic based on that song lol… oh man oh man the X-factor is in the picture now… should be interesting to see wat happens…. PMS

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