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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 15)


    Spencer blushed. She was curious about her other serious relationship but didn’t want to pry.


    “I’m surprised because Ashley is very, very good at the girlfriend thing” she laughed “So um, this other girlfriend…”


    “O boy, I shouldn’t have said anything”


    “It’s okay you don’t have to tell me…unless you want to or something” she tried to play it off like she didn’t care, but the truth was she was dying to know.


    “It’s not a big deal, they were never as serious as you guys are. The girl cheated on her with her with an ex girlfriend, and Ashley took her back. A couple of weeks later she caught them again.”


    “Oh no, that’s awful” Spencer said.


    “Ashley was heartbroken.”


    “How long were they seeing each other for?”


    “about six months I think.”


    “Wow…” was her only response.


    Spencer and Aiden got drinks and found a seat in the club, they still had time before the show started and they talked about how their breaks were going so far. Finally Brianna came back and joined them. The lights dimmed and a man walked to the center of the stage.


    “Merry Christmas! My name is Todd, and I’m a producer for RCA Records. Tonight the five performers will take the stage and will be judged by myself and Mr. Clive Davis.” The spot light was shifted to an older man sitting in front of the stage. The crowd cheered. “The performer who scores highest will be offered a 2 album recording deal, and a spot as the opening act for a major band touring in the summer. Now without further ado, a first performer tonight is a Miss Ashley Davies.” The man exited the stage and Ashley walked out. The crowd cheered.


    “Thank you.”


    Music filled the room as Ashley strummed her new guitar.



    All your twisted thoughts free flow

    To everlasting memories

    Show soul

    Kiss the stars with me

    And dread the wait for

    Stupid calls returning to us to life

    We say to those who are in love

    It can’t be true ’cause we’re too young

    I know that’s true because so long I was

    So in love with you


    1. i loved this update and especially loved that fact that both parents approve of ashley!!!! oh and Flyleaf ROCKS MY SOCKS!!! that is my fav song i hav it on my myspace and wrote a fic based on that song lol… oh man oh man the X-factor is in the picture now… should be interesting to see wat happens…. PMS

    2. i loved this update and especially loved that fact that both parents approve of ashley!!!! oh and Flyleaf ROCKS MY SOCKS!!! that is my fav song i hav it on my myspace and wrote a fic based on that song lol… oh man oh man the X-factor is in the picture now… should be interesting to see wat happens…. PMS

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