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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 15)

    So I thought


    A year goes by

    And I can’t talk about it


    On my knees

    Dim lighted room

    Thoughts free flow try to consume myself in this

    I’m not faithless

    Just paranoid of getting lost or that I might lose

    Ignorance is bliss cherish it

    Pretty neighborhoods you learn to much to hold

    Believe it not

    And fight the tears

    With pretty smiles and lies about the times


    A year goes by

    And I can’t talk about it

    The times weren’t right

    And I couldn’t talk about it


    Romance says goodnight

    Close your eyes and I’ll close mine

    Remember you, remember me

    Hurt the first, the last between


    Romance says goodnight

    Close your eyes and I’ll close mine

    Remember you, remember me

    Hurt the first, the last, between


    And I’m praying that we will see

    Something there in between

    Then and there that exceeds all we can dream

    So we can talk about it


    Romance says goodnight

    Close your eyes and I’ll close mine

    Remember you, remember me

    Hurt the first, the last between


    Romance says goodnight

    Close your eyes and I’ll close mine

    Remember you, remember me

    Hurt the first, the last healing


    And I’m praying that we will see

    Something there in between

    Then and there that exceeds all we can dream



    The song ended and everyone was on their feet cheering. Ashley had by far been the best performer by the end of the night. Todd, the producer took the stage one last time. “We are pleased to announce that we have come to a decision. Every performer here did a great job, but one stands out. Give a round of applause for Ashley Davies. Spencer, Aiden, and Brianna were on jumping up and down in excitement and were soon joined by Ashley who nearly tackled Spencer to the ground.


    “Congratulations!” the blonde screamed


    “Thanks, hey I just have to talk to the producers and I want to show you the new apartment”


    Spencer kissed Ashley “alright I’ll be right here”


    Ashley ran backstage. The club had emptied out. The only people who remained were Spencer, Adien, Brianna, and a dark haired girl sitting across the room.


    “Hey Aiden” Spencer whispered




    “Do you know who that is?”


    “Who?” he looked up spotting the girl immediately “Shit”


    “What? Who is it?”


    “That’s Jessica, Ashley’s ex” he answered reluctantly.




    1. i loved this update and especially loved that fact that both parents approve of ashley!!!! oh and Flyleaf ROCKS MY SOCKS!!! that is my fav song i hav it on my myspace and wrote a fic based on that song lol… oh man oh man the X-factor is in the picture now… should be interesting to see wat happens…. PMS

    2. i loved this update and especially loved that fact that both parents approve of ashley!!!! oh and Flyleaf ROCKS MY SOCKS!!! that is my fav song i hav it on my myspace and wrote a fic based on that song lol… oh man oh man the X-factor is in the picture now… should be interesting to see wat happens…. PMS

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