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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 18)

    “How about my car?”


    Ashley considered it, and nodded in approval. The headed towards the car.



    Meanwhile, Spencer was trying to calm down Lynn, who was sitting on the side of the building, holding her knees to her chest.


    “What happened Lynn” Spencer asked placing a comforting hand on her cousin’s back.


    “You don’t want to know” she said more angry than sad.


    “Yes, I do I want to help”


    “She….she called me Ashley!”


    Spencer was speechless. “Uh…what?”


    “I said you look great tonight, and she said so do you Ashley”


    Spencer was beginning to get angry but tried to keep cool for her cousin. “People slip all the time…” she offered.


    “SHE SAID IT IN BED LAST NIGHT TOO!” she yelled before letting small sobs escape her.

    Spencer’s eyes widened. Maybe Ashley had called her Jessica after all…? No wait just because Jessica slipped, doesn’t mean Ashley did, unless things aren’t really over between them… Spencer thought to herself, but quickly shook off the bad thoughts and reminded herself how much she trusts Ashley.


    “Lynn, calm down it’s going to be okay.”


    “I just want to go home”


    “Ok where’s your car? I’ll drive you”


    “Jessica drove” she whispered.


    “Alright. I’ll just borrow Ashley’s car. It shouldn’t be a problem.”


    “Thanks Spencer”


    “No problem”


    “I left my bag in Jessica’s car, can we grab it?”


    “Yeah of course”


    Spencer helped her upset cousin up and they headed towards the car. When they finally got there Spencer noticed two figures in the front seats. The two blondes stayed in place as the two figures were suddenly attached at the lips. That was all Spencer needed to see and she ran off. Lynn wasn’t as shocked, but still very upset, she was able to calmly walk back inside the party.



    In the car…



    Ashley found her lips being captured by Jessica’s. Her mind went blank, and then filled with anger. She quickly pushed Jessica off of her.


    “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” she yelled


    “You can’t tell me you didn’t want that” Jessica defended.


    “I don’t want it, and I don’t want you.” Ashley got out of the car and before slamming the door said “How’s that for closure?”


    She angrily marched back inside to look for Spencer, but she was nowhere to be found. Ashley did, however, find Lynn, who was sulking at that bar.


    “Lynn…” she said quietly not sure of how to act around the blonde “have you seen Spencer?”


    Lynn turned around to face the brunette, but stayed silent, if looks could kill Ashley would be six feet under.




    “We saw you and Jessica.” She spat


    SHIT! “It’s not like that, she kissed me! I pushed her off.”


    Lynn let out a rum scented chuckle “You know the funny thing is I believe you.”


    “Where is Spencer? I need to explain…”


    “She left.”


    “How are you getting home?”


    “Um…. Good question. I don’t know.” She slurred.


    “I’ll give you a ride. I have to find Spencer”





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    1. UGH! that jessica gives all jessicas a bad name. two timing slut. gosh. i really wish i could change my name now. guhhh. great update!! cant wait for more

    2. Damn EVIL bitch jessica. Ashely should have know she was up to something. Great update. Poor spencer. I love your story. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    3. UGH! that jessica gives all jessicas a bad name. two timing slut. gosh. i really wish i could change my name now. guhhh. great update!! cant wait for more

    4. Damn EVIL bitch jessica. Ashely should have know she was up to something. Great update. Poor spencer. I love your story. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

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