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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: Chapter 3)


    “okay, okay, that’s enough about me” Ashley said , as she glance at the clock. Spencer also noticed the time and was surprised at how late it had gotten.


    Aiden stood up and disposed of the empty pizza boxes and beer cans. “I have an early class tomorrow, I should get going. I’ll see you ladies tomorrow?”


    “Yeah sure, my classes end around 2. Do you guys want to hit the beach or something after that?” Ashley asked. Secretly hoping she would be able to see Spencer in a bathing suit.


    “I can’t I have a basketball thing” Aiden said a hint of disappointment in his voice.


    “Too bad” Ashley quickly turned to Spencer “How about you Spence?”


    Spencer was glad that she was invited. The three of them had become fast friends, which made the move to the West Coast a lot less painful. So it wasn’t easy to turn down the offer. “Sorry, I have class until 5 on Monday’s. Maybe another day?”


    “Trust me I’ll be dragging you to the beach any chance I can get” Ashley joked.



    Ashley woke up around 10 the next morning; the sun was beaming in through the windows. “ugh I need curtains” she groaned and checked the other side of the room for the blonde, who was at her computer. Her hair was pulled up in a bun and she had reading glasses on. Ashley propped herself up on her elbows and went unnoticed by the other girl. She’s so cute when she’s concentrating the brunette just watched her for another moment until Spencer turned around and noticed her roommate was awake.


    “Morning” was Ashley’s quiet greeting


    “Hey, I got you a coffee on my way back from my first class. I remember you saying you weren’t a morning person” the blonde said smiling and pointing to the Starbucks cup on the brunettes desk.


    “If you’re going for the best roommate of the century award, you’re doing an excellent job” Ashley took a sip of the coffee “seriously thank you”


    “No problem, it was mostly selfish, I didn’t want to deal with a cranky roommate this morning” the blonde joked


    “Ouch…Spence, that hurt” Ashley replied with mock hurt in her voice. “When’s your next class?”

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    1. HA! Spencer is so fickle doesn’t she know she should be going after Ashley and not some strange redhead that is only into freshmen? Lordie . . . PMS please!

    2. HA! Spencer is so fickle doesn’t she know she should be going after Ashley and not some strange redhead that is only into freshmen? Lordie . . . PMS please!

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