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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: Chapter 3)


    “At 11:30 and then I have 3 more classes after that” Spencer replied still typing something on her computer.


    “Sounds like tons of fun, I have class from 12 to 2 and then I’m free for the rest of the day” 


    Spencer gave Ashley a look “Well aren’t you lucky?”


    “As a matter of fact I am. I have an easy schedule, a smoking body, and the coolest roommate ever!” Spencer smiled and felt herself blush at the last two.


    “Yes, yes you do” she responded, not mentioning whether she was talking about Ashley’s great body or the awesome roommate comment


    Ashley raised a curious eyebrow and smirked before taking another sip of her coffee. Before she could deliver one of her famous Davies come backs, the blonde picked up her books “I have to go exchange some books before my class, I’ll see you later”


    “Later” the brunette said, disappointed at the blonde was leaving.



    Spencer sat in her last class of the day, Psychology, she was bored out of her mind, and was wishing she had skipped and went to the beach of Ashley. I bet she looks great in a two piece… I bet she looks better without it. Whoa easy Spencer, get a grip. You are so not allowed to sleep with your roommate…. For now. Spencer was shaken out of her thoughts by the professor closing his book and dismissing the class.  Spencer was beat. She packed up her books and headed out the door, and bumped right into someone.


    Embarrassed she looked up to see it was Aiden “Oh Aiden, I’m really sorry. It’s been a long day and I didn’t see you.”


    “Hey! No problem, I’ll let it slide this time, but next time you’ll pay” he joked. “you walking back to your room?”


    “Yeah, my classes are done for the day, how about you?”


    “Just got out of my basketball meeting, I’ll walk you to your building” The started walking “So I didn’t get a chance to ask if you had a boyfriend back home last night”


    Spencer laughed, she knew that question would come up “Nope, but I just got out of a relationship”

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    1. HA! Spencer is so fickle doesn’t she know she should be going after Ashley and not some strange redhead that is only into freshmen? Lordie . . . PMS please!

    2. HA! Spencer is so fickle doesn’t she know she should be going after Ashley and not some strange redhead that is only into freshmen? Lordie . . . PMS please!

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