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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: Chapter 3)


    Aiden smiled and quickly covered it up “what was his name?”


    Spencer didn’t hesitate to answer “Sarah” she couldn’t help but smile when she said that name.

    Aiden silently cursed Ashley’s unbelievable luck “oooh I see, was it a long relationship?”


    “It lasted a few months but we decided we worked a lot better as friends” Spencer spoke of the girl with ease and comfort. The relationship had obviously ended well. “what about you? Anyone special?”


    “Nope, I’m free as a bird” Just then a small group of very attractive girls passed by walking the opposite direction. Both Spencer and Aiden turned around to watch them walk by. “Speaking of which I feel the need to spread my wings, I’ll catch ya later”


    “you are such a dork!” Spencer teased, and with that Aiden was catching up with the group of girls. “Boys” Spencer sighed, and continued walking to her building.


    The walk had been gone without Spencer bumping into anyone else, that is until she entered the lobby and walked right into someone while looking for her room keys in her bag. The blonde looked up to apologize and was met with bright green eyes that were attached to a tall red head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there” She apologized.


    “Don’t worry about it, you okay?” the read head asked, looking Spencer up and down, clearly pleased with what she saw.


    Spencer blushed “Yeah I’m fine, just in a daze” she laughed “My name is Spencer I’m on the third floor”


    “Brianna, I think I’m a few doors down from you actually. Are you a freshman?”


    Spencer laughed “Is it that obvious?”


    “No, I just meant that I would have remembered someone as pretty as you are”


    A voice called out the red heads name. “I have to get going but, if you need anything come and find me.”


    “Thanks, sorry again”


    “It was my pleasure” the red head flashed her a smile and walked off with a group of friends.


    God I love college. It’s going to be a great year. Spencer thought and made her way up to the room.

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    1. HA! Spencer is so fickle doesn’t she know she should be going after Ashley and not some strange redhead that is only into freshmen? Lordie . . . PMS please!

    2. HA! Spencer is so fickle doesn’t she know she should be going after Ashley and not some strange redhead that is only into freshmen? Lordie . . . PMS please!

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