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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 4)


    “Wow. Ash. That was really good.”  Spencer could have kicked herself for being so vague but she still couldn’t find the right words. “is it about anyone in particular?”


    “Sort of, this girl I used to date, it was an on and off again thing” Ashley admitted. The silence grew and neither of the girls knew what to say. “If you need to study or something I’ll put the guitar away”


    “I am so not studying tonight, I don’t have any classes tomorrow so I’ll do it all then” Spencer said “what does tomorrow look like for you? Busy?”


    “Nope, I don’t have any classes either. Wednesday I have four classes though” the brunette responded “hey since we both don’t have classes, why don’t I give you a tour of the area, unless you don’t want to?”


    “That sounds great! I’ve been wanting to get out and explore so you can definitely be my guide” Spencer said with a growing smile, which Ashley mimicked.


    “Good, and this time I’ll get the coffee”


    “Sounds like a plan”


    The next morning Spencer woke up to find Coffee, bagels and wide awake, not to mention amazingly hot Ashley. Mmmmm I could get used to this Spencer thought to herself. She glanced at the clock. “Wow I slept late”


    “Late? 10:30 is late for you?” Ashley teased “That’s pretty early for me”


    “I cant help it if I like day light!” Spencer teased back as she grabbed her coffee and bagel. “and don’t think I can’t see what you’re doing”


    Ashley tensed up. Crap she knows I like her, maybe this isn’t a bad thing…I hope “wha..what do you mean?” the brunette spat out


    “You’re trying to steal the roommate of the century award from me” She laughed, and Ashley loosened up.


    “Don’t be so sure. I could be trying to seduce you for all you know” Did I just say that!


    Spencer’s eyebrow arched and an amused look crossed her face. “Well it’s working” she said causing Ashley to almost choke on her coffee. This made the blonde laugh as she grabbed her shower stuff and headed down the hall to the bathroom.

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