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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 4)


    Ashley’s eyes followed her as she walked out. I swear that is the cutest butt I’ve ever seen…Maybe she likes me too….today is going to be fun.



    Spencer made her way out of the shower stall and in front of a mirror. Her towel wrapped around her. Just then a familiar red head entered the bathroom.


    “Morning Spencer, you’re up early” Brianna said through a yawn


    “Hey, sorry again about yesterday, I’m not usually such a spaz” Spencer said


    “Oh yeah? Prove it.” Spencer looked confused, so the Brianna continued “there’s a party tonight, sort of like a ‘welcome back to school’ at a frat house off campus. You should come, and if you don’t bump into anyone I’ll believe you.”


    “Yeah, sure, where is it?”


    The red head told her the address and how to get there and Spencer went back to the room to get ready for the tour Ashley had promised. Both girls were in the Ashley’s car and ready to go by 12.


    “Ready to hit the madness?” Ashley asked with a wink.

    “of course. I live with the madness remember?” She joked. Both girls laughed and they were on their way.


    The day had went perfectly. Spencer and Ashley talked and laughed the entire time. They were pulling back into campus and Ashley’s phone started to ring.


    “Hello” She answered without checking the ID “Hey Aiden, what’s up?…. I’ll ask her …ok…sure sure…bye Aid” Ashley hung up and got out of the car she had skillfully parked while on the phone.


    She looked over at Spencer who was already out of the car and walking towards her. “Aiden wants to know if we want to go to a party at some frat house tonight”


    “Yeah I heard about it from someone on our floor” Spencer said “I was gonna ask if you guys wanted to go with me”


    “Cool so I’ll call Aiden back later and let him know we’ll be there” Ashley said “Wait a girl invited you to a party?” her voice sounded concerned and her face dropped.


    “aaawwwww” Spencer’s expression was as if she was looking at a little puppy


    “What?” Ashley asked, suddenly defensive.


    “You’re so cute when you’re jealous” the blonde started laughing. Ashley really was cute when she was jealous. Ashley rolled her eyes but couldn’t hold it in and let out a small laugh. Spencer was still laughing when she nudged Ashley’s shoulder with hers and slipped her hand into Ashley’s.


    They were both silent for a moment and as if in unison the blushed and started walking across the parking lot. Still hand in hand with fingers intertwined. The sun setting behind them as they made their way back to the room.





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