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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: Chapter 9)


    “Everything okay Spence?”


    “Actually there’s something I should tell you”


    Ashley became tense O god, this is too much too fast. I’m blowing it she thought.


    “When I was home I saw my friend Sarah, the girl from the picture I showed you. The girl I used to date…” Spencer began. Ashley still looked confused, so Spencer continued “She told me that she wants me back”


    “Oh, I see” Ashley’s heart sank and her face must have given her away


    “No, no Ashley it’s not like that” Spencer said with a laugh at how adorable Ashley looked at that moment.


    “I don’t get it” Ashley said a little relieved but still confused.


    “The thing is, Sarah transferred to USC and she’s moving to campus next week.” Both girls were silent for a moment.


    “Do you want her back?” Ashley asked praying for her to answer no.


    “There is only one person I want.” Spencer started, putting her hand over Ashley’s.


    The brunette’s face lit up “And who would that be?” she teased.


    “Angelina Jolie” Spencer said in an even tone dropping her hand off of Ashley’s, but couldn’t hold in her smile.


    Ashley gave her a playful slap on the arm.


    “HEY, what was that for?”


    “For being a smart ass” she said slapping the blonde’s arm again.

    “You are so done” and with that Ashley was running up the stairs with Spencer chasing her. Ashley made it to her room and jumped on her bed, followed by Spencer who landed on top of her. The blonde was now straddling Ashley, both girls were out of breathe.


    “Now say you’re sorry” Spencer demanded.


    The brunette bit her lip and shook her head defiantly. To this Spencer started tickling the girl’s sides, causing an outbreak of laughter and wriggling from the girl beneath her.


    “Say it” She tickled harder


    “OK! OK! I’m sorry…” Ashley yelled between bursts of laughter. The blonde stopped the attack, but was quickly flipped onto her back. The girl’s had now switched positions with Ashley straddling Spencer. “Sorry that you fell for that!” she said as her fingers danced on Spencer’s flat perfect stomach.

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    1. This story is cute from beginging to………now. Please keep updating this story. This story gets a big thumbs up and “Awwwwwwwwwwww”……for sweetness. This is the Spashley sweetness I wanna see next season. You’re a great writer, too;)

    2. Oh yeah, Sarah sucks! She and Spencer were together 2 months and had an on and off relationship?! Even if they were friends first, thats not long at all. I’d be worried if they were high school sweet hearts. Is she Spencer first? How experienced is Spencer? I like Brianna even though there’s no excuse for her behavior. Who gets that drunks? And who gets teary eyed when a hot girl jumps on them? Not me but, Brianna seems nice. Her fling/one night stand with Ashley is interesting. And she must’ve liked Ash a little because she remembers her lyrics. Is there something there because I felt some chemistry between them when Ash blushed after hearing this. I look forward to Sarah and Brianna being around. PMS

    3. This story is cute from beginging to………now. Please keep updating this story. This story gets a big thumbs up and “Awwwwwwwwwwww”……for sweetness. This is the Spashley sweetness I wanna see next season. You’re a great writer, too;)

    4. Oh yeah, Sarah sucks! She and Spencer were together 2 months and had an on and off relationship?! Even if they were friends first, thats not long at all. I’d be worried if they were high school sweet hearts. Is she Spencer first? How experienced is Spencer? I like Brianna even though there’s no excuse for her behavior. Who gets that drunks? And who gets teary eyed when a hot girl jumps on them? Not me but, Brianna seems nice. Her fling/one night stand with Ashley is interesting. And she must’ve liked Ash a little because she remembers her lyrics. Is there something there because I felt some chemistry between them when Ash blushed after hearing this. I look forward to Sarah and Brianna being around. PMS

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