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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: Chapter 9)


    The blonde gasped for air as her laughter grew.


    “Who do you want?” the brunette asked still tickling the girl beneath her.


    “You! You, I want you” the blonde said trying desperately to get away from Ashley’s torturing fingers. The torture stopped but the brunette remained on top of her captive, leaning down, closing the distance between them and capturing Spencer’s bottom lip with hers. The kiss quickly deepened with Spencer’s hand’s around Ashley’s neck.





    The next morning Spencer woke up to find Ashley’s back pressed up against her, and her arms were wrapped around the brunette’s waist. She wondered if the other girl was still sleeping, but noticed that it was only 9 am.


    “Ashley?” she whispered into the girl’s ear “Are you awake?” When she didn’t get a response Spencer moved her mouth to the girl’s neck and gently sucked on her pulse point.


    “Mmmm” Ashley responded.


    “I thought that might work” she laughed


    Ashley turned around in the blonde’s arms to face her. Bringing her hand up to tuck a lose strand of hair behind the girl’s ear. “Morning sunshine”


    “Morning” They gazed at each other lovingly.


    “What time is it?” Ashley groaned


    “It’s early”


    “Are you hungry?”


    “Yeah let’s shower and get breakfast”


    “Ok, you shower first, there’s towels and everything in the bathroom”


    “hmmm… come with me”


    That’s all the invitation that Ashley needed. The girls jumped in the shower, and 20 minutes and one hell of a shower later they were ready to go. They got in the car and decided on a diner close to campus. Once they were seated and had ordered they had fallen into easy conversation.


    “So have you picked a song for open mic night this weekend?”


    “I think so.  I used to perform every other weekend when they had open mic night, and I had one song that I always played”


    “I can’t wait to hear it.”


    The food was put in front of them, and Ashley changed the subject.


    “Spencer?” she started. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach.


    “Yeah Ash?” Spencer answered confused about the changed in tone.


    “When Sarah gets here, what are you going to tell her about…well…us?” Did I just say US? She’s totally freaked out. Crap!


    Spencer paused, really thinking it over. “I’m going to tell her that I care about you, and that you’re special to me….”  Ashley was relieved. She could feel her smile stretching almost off her face, but she still hadn’t heard what she wanted.


    “That’s a good start…and I feel the same way but…” Ashley paused “I want us to be official”


    Spencer smiled “Why Ms. Davies. Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”


    “Yes, I believe I am” Ashley mirrored the blonde’s grin.


    “On one condition, kiss me.


    Ashley leaned over the table and gave Spencer a soft kiss on the lips. They were now official.


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    1. This story is cute from beginging to………now. Please keep updating this story. This story gets a big thumbs up and “Awwwwwwwwwwww”……for sweetness. This is the Spashley sweetness I wanna see next season. You’re a great writer, too;)

    2. Oh yeah, Sarah sucks! She and Spencer were together 2 months and had an on and off relationship?! Even if they were friends first, thats not long at all. I’d be worried if they were high school sweet hearts. Is she Spencer first? How experienced is Spencer? I like Brianna even though there’s no excuse for her behavior. Who gets that drunks? And who gets teary eyed when a hot girl jumps on them? Not me but, Brianna seems nice. Her fling/one night stand with Ashley is interesting. And she must’ve liked Ash a little because she remembers her lyrics. Is there something there because I felt some chemistry between them when Ash blushed after hearing this. I look forward to Sarah and Brianna being around. PMS

    3. This story is cute from beginging to………now. Please keep updating this story. This story gets a big thumbs up and “Awwwwwwwwwwww”……for sweetness. This is the Spashley sweetness I wanna see next season. You’re a great writer, too;)

    4. Oh yeah, Sarah sucks! She and Spencer were together 2 months and had an on and off relationship?! Even if they were friends first, thats not long at all. I’d be worried if they were high school sweet hearts. Is she Spencer first? How experienced is Spencer? I like Brianna even though there’s no excuse for her behavior. Who gets that drunks? And who gets teary eyed when a hot girl jumps on them? Not me but, Brianna seems nice. Her fling/one night stand with Ashley is interesting. And she must’ve liked Ash a little because she remembers her lyrics. Is there something there because I felt some chemistry between them when Ash blushed after hearing this. I look forward to Sarah and Brianna being around. PMS

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