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    Save Me, My Lover. – (Chapter: Three)





    Three days went by and on the third day, I finally had my appointment. My therapy appointment, that is. I still have not told anyone what had happened almost two weeks ago. I thought about telling Ashley, but I want to see if this goes away first. Actually, I was about to tell her one day when an idea popped into my head. What if she doesn’t believe me? I mean, what if she believes that we slept together, but what if she thinks it was willing?


    I don’t know what Ashley would do if I told her, to be honest. I honestly don’t want her to go after…her. If she beats that girl up, it will just cause more problems. What I want is to forget this ever happened, and maybe that can happen with proper counseling.


    I thought about going to authorities, but something is stopping me. What if they don’t believe me? They probably won’t. That’s fine. I can deal with this on my own…well, and with the help of Dr. Megan Perry.


    “So what are you doing today?” A voice interrupts my thoughts.


    I turn around and see my future wife. She looks sleepy, as, she just got out of bed. She walks into our kitchen and goes to get a cup of coffee. I cough and say, “Um, well, I’m not sure. You know, I should probably start looking for a job.” I didn’t really need a job, because Ashley has money, and actually, I have money too. I worked the two summers before this, and I saved a good amount. I also work during winter break. And during the year, I have a little part time job on campus.


    “You don’t have to. I have money,” she almost whispers. She’s quiet in the morning.


    “I don’t like you paying for everything,” I reply.


    “Well, I don’t pay for everything. What are you talking about? You pay for stuff too,” she kind of laughs.


    “Yeah…I know,” I state, “But its summer and I have nothing better to do…might as well make some money.”


    She pours her coffee and gets a donut out of the box before going over to the counter and placing the items down. She pulls up a chair and doesn’t look at me. I am beginning to think that she is upset that I woke her up last night. I continue to stare at Ashley. Nah, that can’t be it. “You’re up late. It’s almost one o’clock,” I comment.


    1. That was pretty intense. Sorry, just caught up but it’s a great story so far. I totally hate what Spencer just did but get why she did. I just hope Ashley can break through and help her. PMS!

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