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    Save Me, My Lover. – (Chapter: Three)


    I move over to her and take a seat next to her. “Are you upset because I woke you up?”


    I watch as her eyes move down, so that she is staring at the counter. She shakes her head no, and keeps eating her breakfast. She takes a sip of her coffee and after she places it down on the counter, her eyes shoot up at me. “Ashley, what?”


    “I’m up so late because I woke up at 8 o’clock when the phone rang. I fell back asleep after that.”


    I get off my chair, and head over the refrigerator. I get out the milk and pour myself a glass. I don’t know what to say to Ashley. She seems upset, and I’m not sure if it’s because of me. Honestly, she usually doesn’t wake up this late in the afternoon.


    I keep my back facing her as long as possible. She doesn’t speak. I can tell something must be bothering her. She gets like this when she’s upset, she gets quiet.


    “Are we getting married next year or not?” she questions, out of nowhere.


    I am totally startled by this. Without thinking I raise both of my eyebrows and kind of throw my hands in the air, as if I’m trying to say “What the hell”. She shakes her head and focuses on her food again.


    “Of course!” I shout.



    She is finished with her breakfast, I’m assuming because she tosses her leftover donut parts into a napkin and walks over the trash can. She holds her coffee up, and then takes a long drink. She appears to be so deep in thought. I take this opportunity to move closer, “Ashley?” I whisper.


    “I don’t have any secrets from you,” she states as she plays with the rim of her cup, “I don’t think lying to your future wife is a good thing.”


    “And what have I lied to you about?” I wonder, playing dumb.


    “You’re lying to me about something.”


    I watch as she dumps the rest of her coffee down the drain and walks out of the kitchen. I immediately follow her into the bedroom. She reaches over and opens a drawer, I guess trying to figure out what to wear today. “Ashley, don’t walk away from me,” I plead with her, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”


    1. That was pretty intense. Sorry, just caught up but it’s a great story so far. I totally hate what Spencer just did but get why she did. I just hope Ashley can break through and help her. PMS!

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