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    Save Me, My Lover. – (Chapter: Three)

    "Mmm, I must taste you, darling," I comment as I lean in for a quick moment and lick up the wetness. She lets out the loudest moan yet and I smirk. After a few moments, I start finger fucking her again. "Naughty girl," I giggle.


    Then, all of a sudden, I pull out.


    She looks at me, in shock.


    I shove the three wet fingers, the ones that were inside of her, in her mouth and she accepts them. It’s not like she really had a choice anyway. When she licks all her wetness off my fingers, I move back down to her pussy. I gently stroke it and I love the little moans I am getting from her.


    “This is mine,” I firmly state as I play with her pussy, “Nobody. Else. Touches. It.”  I’m sure she has NO idea what I’m talking about. After all, she wasn’t the one that surrendered her body to someone, was she? No that was me. God, I hate myself. I really do. Ashley should just leave me, I’m no good. I’m dirty.


    When I push my fingers back inside her, she immediately begins panting and humping again. I also move up to her clit and start rubbing it. Her moans are becoming louder, I notice this. I know she is getting close because I can feel her getting tight around my fingers. I pull out again, “Say it.”


    “Say what?” She pants out. God, I am a horrible person. She should leave me. I don’t deserve her. What the fuck am I doing?


    “Say that your pussy belongs to me and nobody else will ever touch it,” I demand as I tease her entrance.


    After she says what I want her, no, need her to say, I start to fuck her again. Don’t ask me what my problem is because I have no idea. Actually, I do. I got raped and I don’t know how to deal with it…and I’m taking it out on the one person that loves me more then anything. Even though, I’m drunk, I somehow realize this and stop fucking her.


    I grab onto her sides and bury my head against her toned stomach. I don’t stop the tears from running down my face. She leans up, I can feel her moving. Her loving, gentle hands are softly running through my hair as she tries to comfort me.


    “Ashley,” I cry out. And with that, I completely broke down.




    1. That was pretty intense. Sorry, just caught up but it’s a great story so far. I totally hate what Spencer just did but get why she did. I just hope Ashley can break through and help her. PMS!

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