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    Second Chances – (Chapter: chapter 20 – 6 months)


    Ashley: with Spencer still wrapped in her arms “that’s ok with me” with a smile on her face


    Spencer: “Ash”


    Ashley: “ok ok let’s go”


    They head out the house and into Ashley’s car and to their destination. They get their sit in a booth and wait for the waiter to come and take their orders. Not noticing who was there waiter when she comes up to them, they were to engross in each other to notice Lisa was there waiter for the night. Ashley finally looks up at the person who cleared their throat.


    Ashley: with a angry look on her face “what the hell are you doing here?”


    Lisa: a little scared “I’m your waiter for the evening. Can I take your order?”


    Ashley: “no no you can’t, now go get someone else to take our orders because you’re not getting ours”


    Lisa: “come on this is my first night, why can’t we just put things behind us or something I really need this job” in a pleading tone.


    Ashley: but she wasn’t buying it “like I care”


    Spencer: pulls Ashley closer towards her and whispers in her ear “Ash lets just order”


    Ashley: “no not after what she did to you”


    Spencer: “that was six months ago”


    Ashley: “yea but…”


    Spencer: “Ash please this is suppose to be about us today”


    Ashley: “fine” she faces Lisa again “fine take our orders but don’t expect to spark up a conversation”


    Lisa: “thank you”


    Ashley: “don’t thank me thank Spencer”


    Lisa takes their orders and the evening went according to Spencer’s plan. After they were done eating dinner, Spencer wanted to go take a walk along the beach, since they still had enough time to watch the sunset that being something they did a lot since they met each other. As they walk along the shore Spencer and Ashley sees a couple one the beach getting really intimate they look away giving them there privacy when they hear the man say the women’s name “Paula” and Spencer head snapped right towards the to stranger’s and she hears the women say the mans name and she recognized the women’s voice and so did Ashley.

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    1. Yeah, you should be sorry. Why is it that the best stories take forever to be posted? Writer’s block? I can only imagine. I wish I were talented when it came to writing fan fiction so, you’re forgiven. pms when you can;)

    2. Oh, yeah! You haven’t even gotten to the part where they find out that this is their “second chance”. I remember when Spencer killed herself in the first chapter. This story is so deep and the most original besides Best of Me. I forgot to say please post more soon……..

    3. Yeah, you should be sorry. Why is it that the best stories take forever to be posted? Writer’s block? I can only imagine. I wish I were talented when it came to writing fan fiction so, you’re forgiven. pms when you can;)

    4. Oh, yeah! You haven’t even gotten to the part where they find out that this is their “second chance”. I remember when Spencer killed herself in the first chapter. This story is so deep and the most original besides Best of Me. I forgot to say please post more soon……..

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