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    Second Chances – (Chapter: chapter 20 – 6 months)


    Spencer: with a confused and hurt look on her face “mom?”

    Paula: getting up from the ground “Spencer what are you doing here”


    Spencer: “I can say the same to you and who is that guy” points towards the ground were Ben was hiding his face. “How can you do this to me, to dad, the family, how could you” and Ashley wraps her arms around her while she was crying.


    Ashley: rubbing Spencer’s back “shhh…. baby its going to be ok”


    Paula: “Spencer honey let me explain”


    Spencer: breaking away from Ashley’s embrace and turning to face her mother “explain, explain what? What is there to explain, your cheating on dad” now yelling at her mother


    Paula: “Spencer can you lower you voice please”


    Spencer: still yelling, “no why should I you slut, how long have you been cheating on dad”


    Paula:  she was in shock and so was Ashley when she called her a slut “don’t you dare talk to me like that young lady I’m still your mother”


    Spencer: “not anymore” and she grabs Ashley’s hand and starts walking towards the car. She turns back around and yells back “you either tell dad or I will” and with that she was off.




    Back at Ashley’s house, they were up in her room sitting on her sofa and Spencer still crying on Ashley’s shoulder.


    Ashley: “Shhh…. baby everything’s going to be okay. I’m here to take care of you”


    Spencer: “how could she” and sobs some more “I can’t believe she would do this to my dad, he doesn’t deserve that”


    Ashley didn’t know what else to do but comfort her. That’s all she knows what to do but it’s all right because she was good at it.


    Spencer: “she ruined our night too” and continues crying, “I hate her”


    Ashley: “oh Spence don’t let her get you down, like you said its our day not her now lets make the best of it. Come on lets watch a movie anything you want we can watch”


    Spencer: she looks up at Ashley and givers her a small smile “anything” and her grin gets bigger


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    1. Yeah, you should be sorry. Why is it that the best stories take forever to be posted? Writer’s block? I can only imagine. I wish I were talented when it came to writing fan fiction so, you’re forgiven. pms when you can;)

    2. Oh, yeah! You haven’t even gotten to the part where they find out that this is their “second chance”. I remember when Spencer killed herself in the first chapter. This story is so deep and the most original besides Best of Me. I forgot to say please post more soon……..

    3. Yeah, you should be sorry. Why is it that the best stories take forever to be posted? Writer’s block? I can only imagine. I wish I were talented when it came to writing fan fiction so, you’re forgiven. pms when you can;)

    4. Oh, yeah! You haven’t even gotten to the part where they find out that this is their “second chance”. I remember when Spencer killed herself in the first chapter. This story is so deep and the most original besides Best of Me. I forgot to say please post more soon……..

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