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    Second Chances – (Chapter: chapter 20 – 6 months)

    Ashley: nods her head yes “anything”


    Spencer: “ok” and she gets up from the sofa and heads towards Ashley’s huge collection of DVD’s and she picks one out “I wanna watch this one” and hands it over to Ashley


    Ashley: “that sound of music, you got to be kidding me”


    Spencer: “you said anything” and giggles


    Ashley: “fine but after were done watching this crap, It’s gonna be my turn to pick”


    Spencer: “that’s fine with me”


    After about 2 hours and 54 minutes the movie was done and Ashley was passed out from the boringness if the movie.


    Spencer: she turns and sees Ashley was sound asleep beside her. She tries waking her up by nudging her but she still didn’t wait up so then she started whispering in her ear “Ashley wake up the movies done”


    Ashley: “hmmmm” and goes back to sleep


    Spencer: Since she didn’t want to make up she starts nibbling on Ashley’s ear lob and making small circles on Ashley’s tight abs “you sure you don’t want to wake up”


    Ashley: and with that she was up “I’m up… now what was that”, gives Spencer a devilish smile, and pulls her in for a kiss “I love you”


    Spencer: “I love you too” and she lays herself on top of Ashley. After their long make out session Spencer pulls away to caught her breath “Ash”


    Ashley: “yea”


    Spencer: looking at her with so much desire, “I’m ready”


    Ashley: she looks up at Spencer and sees the desire in her eyes “are you sure”


    Spencer: with a smile on her face “positive” and Ashley places her hands on the hem of Spencer’s shirt and pulls it over her head and Spencer does the same to her.


    Ashley: “lets go to the bedroom” Spencer gets off of her and leads them her bedroom. Once in the room she turns Spencer around and slowly guilds her towards the bed and sits her down. Now sitting down and Ashley standing in front on her, Spencer reaches out, unbuttons Ashley’s pants, and slowly pulls the zipper down. Slowly reaching at Ashley’s waist of her pants and brings them down to her ankles. Now only in her bra and panties Spencer gets a good love at the women she had fallen in love with and it was just “perfect” a smile creeps up on her face and Ashley leans down and places a kiss on to Spencer’s luscious lips and brings her hand around Spencer’s back to undo her bra and Spencer did the same. Now it was Spencer’s turn to gaze at her girlfriend and also thought the same thing “perfect”. They stared there just staring at each other until Ashley decides to break the silence “you look so beautiful” and leans down on top of Spencer feeling flesh to flesh and they both moaned into the kissed which deepened. The whole night that’s how they stayed making love and then falling asleep blissfully in each others arms.

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    1. Yeah, you should be sorry. Why is it that the best stories take forever to be posted? Writer’s block? I can only imagine. I wish I were talented when it came to writing fan fiction so, you’re forgiven. pms when you can;)

    2. Oh, yeah! You haven’t even gotten to the part where they find out that this is their “second chance”. I remember when Spencer killed herself in the first chapter. This story is so deep and the most original besides Best of Me. I forgot to say please post more soon……..

    3. Yeah, you should be sorry. Why is it that the best stories take forever to be posted? Writer’s block? I can only imagine. I wish I were talented when it came to writing fan fiction so, you’re forgiven. pms when you can;)

    4. Oh, yeah! You haven’t even gotten to the part where they find out that this is their “second chance”. I remember when Spencer killed herself in the first chapter. This story is so deep and the most original besides Best of Me. I forgot to say please post more soon……..

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