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    Second Chances – (Chapter: chapter 20 – 6 months)


    The next day, Ashley woke up with Spencer still in her arms. Spencer sleeping peacefully in her arms thinking to herself  “how did I get so lucky” and she moves a strand of Spencer’s hair from her eyes, which caused her to wake up.


    Spencer: her eyes flutter open and smiles up at Ashley “hey”


    Ashley: returns the smile “hey yourself beautiful” and leans in a places a kiss on Spencer’s nose.


    Spencer: she giggles a little and leans up and places a kiss on Ashley’s lips and says “I love you”


    Ashley: smiles and says, “I love you more” leans in giving her another kiss “how did you sleep?”

    Spencer: “good” and she tightens her embrace on Ashley.


    Ashley: “just good” with a smile on her face


    Spencer: starts laughing, “no it was more then good” and kisses Ashley once again “it was great, amazing, everything I ever thought it would be”


    Ashley: she smiles down at Spencer “are you still talking about how good you slept”


    Spencer: she turns over more to face Ashley and she pushes her in a playful manor “shut up” and they both giggle, “no but for real it was amazing” then she buries her face in the crock of Ashley’s neck hiding the sudden blush that creep to her face.


    Ashley: she places her hand on to Spencer’s face and lightly caresses her face with the back of her hand and says “it was amazing wasn’t it” and Spencer nods her head yes and smiles “I’m the luckiest girl alive” and a single tear comes down and she whips it away.


    Spencer: “no I’m the lucky one” and caresses Ashley’s face as well “sometimes I can’t believe I found you. When I first had that dream, I just couldn’t stop thinking about you”


    Ashley: “me too” and leans in and places a peck on her forehead. Spencer starts to yawn and so does Ashley and they both fall back to sleep.



    Sorry its taken me soooooooooooooooo long but I’ve been really busy, Hope you enjoy and thnks to everyone thats been reading and been wating patiently for a update and commet if you want, maybe it will help with a faster update and any idea’s because Im kinda running out of some. LOL


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    1. Yeah, you should be sorry. Why is it that the best stories take forever to be posted? Writer’s block? I can only imagine. I wish I were talented when it came to writing fan fiction so, you’re forgiven. pms when you can;)

    2. Oh, yeah! You haven’t even gotten to the part where they find out that this is their “second chance”. I remember when Spencer killed herself in the first chapter. This story is so deep and the most original besides Best of Me. I forgot to say please post more soon……..

    3. Yeah, you should be sorry. Why is it that the best stories take forever to be posted? Writer’s block? I can only imagine. I wish I were talented when it came to writing fan fiction so, you’re forgiven. pms when you can;)

    4. Oh, yeah! You haven’t even gotten to the part where they find out that this is their “second chance”. I remember when Spencer killed herself in the first chapter. This story is so deep and the most original besides Best of Me. I forgot to say please post more soon……..

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